Sunday, July 14, 2024

Join the Revcom Corps Chicago
Monday July 15th
at Red Arrow Park in Milwaukee, WI

as we join together with others to march on the RNC!
Be part of bringing out the revolutionary message:



 @revcomcorpschi or call/text 312.804.9121 for the Chicago caravan information

While the crimes of the U.S. continue to pile up here and all over the the existence of humanity is continuously threatened...and while the fascist danger of Trump and his MAGA maniacs looms...don't stand aside! Be part of fighting for a future beyond all this madness, be part of a growing, bold and disciplined force fighting to emancipate all of humanity. Follow the leadership of @bobavakianofficial and get with the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity to seize on this rare time when revolution is necessary and possible.

Click image to watch on YoutTube

Click here to watch on Istagram

THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity 
invites you to join with us Saturday, July 13, thru Thursday, July 18, in cities across the country to

Shake things up with Messages from 

Bob Avakian’s Social Media:

“Truth the Powers-That-Be Don't Want You to Know” 

There is a way out of this madness,

a REAL REVOLUTION for a truly emancipating future

Fascist Trump and Genocide Joe, the fascist Republicans and the war criminal Democrats, must not be our future. The revolutionary leader Bob Avakian has made an analysis and developed a road map to recognize and seize the positive potential in this extreme time. He brings this alive in clear, sharp dispatches on all the social media platforms. (@BobAvakianOfficial)

From Bob Avakian’s message Revolution #8:

Everything will very likely be coming to a head and coming up for grabs this year, 2024, with the presidential election this year a sharp focus of the fight between the dominating ruling class parties—Democrats and Republicans—a fight that is very likely to break all out of the bounds of the “normal way” they exercise power over the people, and keep their whole murderous system going.
This kind of deep division—and especially this bitter antagonism among the powers-that-be—has not been seen in this country since the time of the Civil War way back in the 1860s.
This is not a time to be siding with one group of oppressors or anotherThis is a rare time—a very rare opening—a chance that may come only once in a lifetime—a chance to take advantage of the deep divisions among the ruling oppressors and go after their whole system, with the aim of bringing the whole thing down, and putting something much better in its place.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mon. July 15th the Revcom Corps Chicago will March on the #RNC w/ others in Milwaukee @ Red Arrow Park. 

DM us to join us to bring the message:


@revcomcorpschi  312.804.9121 


Communism, the new communism and the challenge to “progressive” intellectuals.


Monday, July 1, 2024

July 4: SAY NO to Celebrating America–

Join the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity Chicago this 4th of July to:
Speak Out and Protest!
Thursday, JULY 4TH, 2PM
SAY NO to Celebrating America–
Truly a Model of Depraved, Racist Genocide

July 4, 2 pm Wrigley Square
Michigan and Randolph (Millennium Park)

July 4 Weekend Around the country: 

Why be there || Where to be || Contact info || Graphics for Social Media || Organizing Materials


Look at Gaza! The U.S. is backing a heartless genocide of Palestinians! The U.S. is supplying the bombs, the funds, and the diplomatic cover for Israel to slaughter nearly 37,000 people. Every university has been destroyed. Hospitals lack fuel, equipment and sanitation. 1.9 million Palestinians face starvation. 

Look at the police of this country! Every day police terrorize, brutalize and KILL Black and Brown people! While the prisons overflow with oppressed people, killer cops are almost never sent to jail.

Look at the blood-soaked U.S./Mexican border! Desperate human beings line up every day. Most have been driven from their homelands because of poverty, wars, and climate destruction fueled by U.S. imperialism. But when they reach this country, they are demonized and face detention, deportation, and even death. 

July 4: Should we celebrate America founded on slavery and genocide?? America, built on the broken bodies and lives of billions of people worldwide? America, which has stripped women of the right to abortion and demonizes LGBTQ people? America, which is number one in destroying the planet and facing off against its imperialist rivals, increasing the threat of nuclear war threatening humanity's very existence? NO! AMERICA WAS NEVER GREAT!

This July 4th, we will lift our sights to a whole new way we could be living through a real revolution that overthrows the current system of capitalism-imperialism and replaces it with a socialist system.

The revolutionary leader Bob Avakian has written a Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, a liberating document to replace the oppressive U.S. Constitution. This Constitution provides a sweeping vision, a firm foundation and concrete blueprint for bringing into being a society, and ultimately a world, free from all forms of slavery, all exploitation and oppression based on class, race, sex and gender, all relations in which one part of humanity is subordinated to and dominated by others.

To make this real, we need a revolution. This is possible—not in some far-off time, but right in this time.

This July 4th, we will not put our hands on our hearts and pledge allegiance to the U.S. and its blood-soaked flag. Instead, we will open our hearts and our minds to the liberating future we can win through a real revolution, and we will get organized to make it real.

For more see the July 4: AMERICA WAS NEVER GREAT resource page at


Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity Chicago invites you to

A Tour of Chicago's Southside:
From the Deep South to Mass Incarceration
Paul Street will be our tour guide.
Saturday, June 29, 2 pm

Meet at the Dearborn Station, Dearborn and Polk St., Chicago
Your donation will support Revolution Summer 2024

This two-hour tour will take you to sites of hope and despair, resistance and repression. Chicago during and after World War One and for decades afterward was indeed a "Land of Hope" for Black Americans fleeing the Jim Crow South. What they found was a new landscape, and a different form of exploitation, still under the vicious rule of white supremacy.

You'll hear about the industries that welcomed Black men, women and children, usually into the lowest paid, most dangerous positions, ensuring they stayed there by affixing a special mark to their time cards. Meanwhile, real estate and financial forces joined with white neighborhood associations and gangs to segregate Black Chicagoans in impoverished and overcrowded ghetto neighborhoods on the city’s South Side and, after World War II, the West Side. Giant vertical public housing projects were constructed to keep the city’s rising Black population ghettoized. White rage and pogroms were constant threats, and they were met by Black resistance.

You will visit sites that are testament to much of this, and hear the history of Chicago that is systematically ignored, denied and covered up in the rush to celebrate the superficial glitter of Chicago, now a "post-industrial global corporate and financial center" that has no future but jail or prison for generations of Black youth.

This tour will give you the sweep of a century of capitalist economic forces transforming lives, enriching capital, breaking promises in its never-ending search for greater exploitation, and the people's relentless struggle to be free. As Bob Avakian has written, one of three things that has “to happen in order for there to be real and lasting change for the better: People have to fully confront the actual history of this country and its role in the world up to today, and the terrible consequences of this." This tour will pose sharply the question of just what will it take to get free? Revolution, Nothing Less!

Paul Street brings deep engagement with the history of Chicago and the larger political forces in the U.S. to the telling of this history. He is a journalist whose work has been published in CounterPunch, Black Agenda Report, Revolution, TeleSur English and others. He has taught Chicago history at DePaul University and is a former VP for Research at the Chicago Urban League. His books include: Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis, A Living Black Chicago HistoryHollow Resistance: Obama Trump and the Politics of Appeasement; and This Happened Here, Amerikkkaners, Neoliberals and The Trumping of America, among others. Leo Pargo, a leading member of The Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity Chicago, will join Paul on this tour.

Your donation of $75 (Supporter) or $100 (Backbone) will fund the urgent work to put revolution in the air this Revolution Summer 2024, including funding volunteers from around the country coming to Chicago to protest the DNC with the Revcom Corps.

Reserve your spot soon!
Use @RevComCorpsChi on Venmo or $RevComCorpsChi on CashApp.
Please let us know you'll be joining us by an email to

We will travel from Dearborn Station to various locations on the Southside by car, where we will stop for Paul's commentary and Q&A. We also suggest that participants share vehicles as much as possible, so please be prepared to wear a mask in that case. And we'll return to Dearborn Station at the end.

Questions? Contact the RevCom Corps Chicago at or 312 804 9121.

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