Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Received from Revolution Club Chicago

 National Celebration: Get Organized For Actual Revolution Tour

March 23
Saturday 4:30PM – 7 PM

Revolution Club Chicago, 1857 E 71st St, Chicago 

Joins us at Revolution Club Organizing Center for celebration of the National Get Organized For An ACTUAL Revolution Tour that is currently launching in L.A. We will be live-streaming the launch party happening simultaneously in Los Angeles.

Watch the video here
Everyone who wants a different and better world is urged to tune in live to the national celebration in Los Angeles for the “Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour” on Saturday, March 23.

Gather friends, family members, and others—in public mass events, small clusters, or on your own—and join in celebrating and launching a Tour that will travel the entire country for a year, putting real revolution and the leadership of Bob Avakian on the map and organizing thousands into this movement for revolution to emancipate all of humanity.

Learn about the mission and vision of the Tour and this revolution.
Read the full call here

Watch the video here
Meet the revolutionaries who are on fire for real revolution and have put aside everything to go out and fight for this revolution up against all the non-solutions, dead-ends, and bullshit that has people trapped in lowered visions and a world of horror. Hear directly from the leader of the revolution, Bob Avakian, through excerpts of his recent film, Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. And find out how to get involved in spreading this wherever you are, join in donating and raising funds to keep this Tour out on the road.

Revolution Club, Chicago 
Revolution Club Organizing Center 312.804.9121
1857 E 71st Street, Chicago IL 60649
revclub.chi@gmail.com  revclubchi @ FB, Twitter

Donate to the Tour HERE

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Received from REVOLUTION/revcom.us

March 15: BEB Revealed!
Watch For It.

#BEB will be revealed Friday, March 15
Major Announcement 
Be There Friday 3/15  12:30 pm
State & Jackson 
Share everywhere!

Download posters and images HERE
Revcom.us--where you go to scientifically understand and radically change the world... Go to www.revcom.us every day.
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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Received from Revolution Club Chicago

The Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour Send-Off Fundraiser Celebration

March 8, 6-9pm
Revolution Club Chicago
1857 E 71st St, Chicago
$5 Donation

“You Think You’re Woke...
But You’re Sleepwalking Through A Nightmare —
This System Cannot Be Reformed, It Must Be Overthrown!”

This system is a nightmare for humanity and the planet. There is a way out of this madness!

“Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution. Anything else, in the final analysis is bullshit.”
– Bob Avakian

There is a project to put this revolution before millions and organize thousands into it. That project is the Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour—starting out in Los Angeles in March and going around the country for the rest of the year. We’re going to boldly bring forward the science, strategy, and leadership for revolution and go right up against all the bullshit—the outmoded, petty, self-deceiving, and self-seeking bullshit that just ends up perpetuating the outrages of today.

The tour will IMPACT everywhere it goes—opening up debate, stirring up controversy, shaking up society so that people no longer feel they have to accept the unacceptable and adjust to injustice, and instead are inspired to get organized for a revolution to change everything.

Two members of Revolution Club Chicago will be heading out to be part of this tour in Los Angeles and Southern California and we are having a send-off fundraiser celebration. Your participation and your support are needed to start, sustain, popularize, and defend the tour.

What you can do now:
Post & spread this event
Bring a dish
Bring a friend

312-804-9121 Follow Revolution Club Chicago   revclub.chi@gmail.com www.revcom.us

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Recieved from Refuse Fascism

Saturday March 23 2pm
Prof. Jason Stanley 
(Yale University), will make his first Chicagoland appearance discussing his book,

How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them
Audience Q&A, followed by a panel discussion of strategies to stop this trajectory. 
Watch Dr. Stanley interviewed by The New York Times here

We see how fascism is speading here and around the world, which poses the urgent question: How do we stop it? Here in a country With an enduring legacy of structural racism, genocide of native peoples and aggressive war, the question is posed urgently: is the Trump/Pence administration fascist? How should people of conscience respond politi-
cally to the danger that this government presents? Join us to face this challenge With the author and engaged activists.

RSVP for free tickets & donate to cover costs
For more information email: March23HFW@gmail.com
Books available for purchase, provided by BOOKEN BEGINNINGS

Free parking, free event with refreshments, donations welcome

Initiated by Refuse Fascism, Chicago Chapter and United for Democracy Now
Sponsored Our Revolution Evanston, Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice,
list in progress

ORGANIZATIONS: contact March23HFW@gmail.com to sponsor, for table space

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Received from Revolution/revcom.us

Bob Avakian and people in Chicago discuss: How can youth, who are now killing each other, be inspired to become part of the revolution for a whole different world?

“...we have two choices: either, live with all this—and condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all—or, make revolution!” —Bob Avakian
To read or print the text of the speech, click HERE
To download videos of the speech and the Q&As, click HERE

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