Sunday, July 14, 2013

BA Everywhere Van Tour launches Sunday

Decorated Van
A decorated van is going out this week to impoverished communities, parks, cultural events, as well as more well-to-do areas. It will have a large screen TV and sound to show the DVD: BA Speaks REVOLUTION - NOTHING LESS! and raise money to spread BA Everywhere. You can contribute in many ways. Raise money to support the Tour! Watch the video and donate now -one day left to meet our goal!. Donate gas cards for the van. Invite us to show the DVD. If you live near where the van will be, organize a small gathering or invite us to a rec center, class or church. Take a stack of pluggers and posters and donation cans and go out and let people know that the van tour is on the road. Donate food to feed the volunteers.

Join the Tour for a few hours or a whole day and evening! Here are the times and places you can join in. For more information (and to confirm hook up times and places) call the BA Everywhere phone 312-860-8167.

Sunday, July 14
Big mass mobilization to protest of outrageous Zimmerman verdict downtown at Daley Center and then to 63rd Street beach.  

Monday, July 15
Take BAE to Englewood 4-8 pm. Meet at either Revolution Books at 2 pm
or McDonalds, 70 E. Garfield Blvd. (55th St.) between Wabash and Michigan, 1.5 blks west of the Green line CTA station, at 4 pm

Tuesday, July 16
11:30 am - 1 pm Bring BA into the protest against the anti-abortion fanatics. 
Art Institute on Michigan Ave. 

 4pm-8pm: West Humboldt Park neighborhood. Meet inside the Burger King at Chicago and Pulaski at 4pm. Having the BAE phone on the van. 312-860-8167.  

Cook County Courthouse and Jail. 8:30 am. 26th and California.

 4pm-8pm: Grand Crossing Neighborhood- Where to hook up: Brown Sugar Bakery on 328 E 75th1.5 blocks West of King Drive.

Call for information on morning or early afternoon tour stops.

4:30pm-6:30pm: Wicker Park North and Damen L stop.  

to be announced 

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