Monday, June 1, 2015

Printers Row Lit Fest 2012 okay
June 6 & 7: Printers Row Lit Fest 
10 am - 6 pm, Saturday & Sunday
Table #227, 229
600 block of S. DearbornJoin us at the largest book fair in the Midwest! Stop by our table for new and used titles, and check out authors and poets. Volunteers are needed to help at our table, distribute materials, and more.

If you can volunteer, give us a call or shoot us an email:    (773) 489-0930; Thanks!

June 10, 7pm:   Dr. Ali Nizamudden, author of The Patenting of Life, Limiting Liberty, and the Corporate Pursuit of Seeds
Dr. Nizamudden's book explores the disastrous consequences of the corporate dominance of world seed supplies and GMO seeds. The advent of genetically modified seeds and strict patent protection accorded to them enable companies to own the seed even after the farmer has bought, planted, and harvested the seed.

"If you care about your food and your freedom, this is a book you must read." 
-- Vandana Shiva

June 17, 7 pm: Rory Fanning, Afghan war vet discusses his book  Worth Fighting For: An Army Ranger's Journey Out of the Military and  Across America

"Rory Fanning's odyssey is more than a walk across America. It is a gripping story of one young man's intellectual journey from eager soldier to skeptical radical, a look at not only the physical immenseness of the country, its small towns, and highways, but into the enormity of its  past, the hidden sins and unredeemed failings of the United States. The reader is there along with Rory, walking every step, as challenging and rewarding experience for us as it was for him." 
-- Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times

11 am Sunday Brunch--Film Clips & Discussion
"Socialism Is Three Things" from BA Speaks: Revolution -- Nothing Less  
Get into revolutionary theory! Sunday brunches are an ongoing series: watch a video clip from one of Bob Avakian's talks, join the discussion, enjoy communing, coffee and rolls.

Thursdays Open House on the History of Socialism, 4 pm - 7 pm
Bring your questions about the history of socialist societies in the 20th century--from 1917-1956 in the Soviet Union and from 1949-1976 in Maoist China--what they aimed to do, their great achievements, and their shortcomings and problems. Dig into the controversies, find resources.

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