Monday, December 17, 2018

Received from Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund

Support the Revolution Club Chicago
Be Part of the $30,000 Winter Fund Drive

In a world that is increasingly a nightmare for humanity, Chicago is known worldwide as the killing fields where police shoot down Black people, and where too many youth who have the hardest life under this system shoot at each other. Revolution Club Chicago is fighting to change this to be where people lift their heads and take up making revolution to emancipate all humanity. Right now, you can become part of the networks of people making THIS what Chicago is becoming known for. Your donations are needed to help make happen.

This system has no future for the youth and causes too many to find meaning in taking revenge on each other. The system we're up against, capitalism-imperialism, has white supremacy running all throughout it, has the planet burning from war and environmental destruction, children being tear-gassed on the border, women and LGBTQ people debased and denied basic rights... and
this is now being taken to new levels of hell with the Trump/Pence regime in power. This system needs to be overthrown as soon as possible. Throughout the country, people hardest hit by this system and others who want to see a better world, are working to organize thousands and influence millions for revolution. With your support and involvement, Chicago can be part of changing what people everywhere see as possible.
Many people want a better future for the youth, and for humanity. Together we can make this happen, not because we're better people with bigger hearts, but because we have what is needed and missing to get out of this mess. We have the science to get at the real problem AND the solution, a real revolution. The leader of this revolution, Bob Avakian, has not only developed this science and the strategy for revolution, but also has a deep connection with the very people who most need this revolution, and can break this down for everyone to take up

Your support enables those who have taken this up to continue spreading the word and organizing people into the revolution. Your donations provide backing to those striving to lift their heads up from the dog-eat-dog struggle to survive and raise their sights to emancipating humanity.

Donate today for costs of flyers, posters, books, banners, and t-shirts. Donate to support and maintain the Revolution Club Organizing Center in South Shore, and the full-time volunteers who are in Chicago from across the country throwing all-in on this mission.
Donating enables all this, and is itself a meaningful
and much-needed contribution to making revolution!
"> Donate online at:

Or in person at:
Revolution Club Organizing Center 1857 E.71st  

Facebook/Twitter: RevClubChi 

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