Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Federal Plaza

#OutNOW March to Election Defense Rally

219 S Dearborn Chicago

Click here for the facebook event

Election day is here, and fascist moves to suppress votes and voters grow more desperate. In some communities people wait hours to vote, while in others - mainly white, middle class - they sail through in minutes. Attacks by MAGA thugs have escalated dramatically across the country: car caravans blocked people on the way to vote in California and New York;           
one car caravan attempted to drive a Biden/Harris campaign bus off the highway in Texas! A peaceful voting rights parade to the polls was viciously attacked with pepper spray by sheriffs in North Carolina. Trump's response? He tweeted "I love Texas" and demanded an FBI investigation of Antifa (a term thrown about to vilify all who oppose his fascist regime). We can and should expect this to intensify in the days, perhaps weeks, ahead.
Sunsara Taylor speaks November 3 at
BLM Plaza in Washington DC
Millions have not backed down, but courage can't stop at the ballot box. Because the stakes are existential, for humanity and our burning, drowning planet. We will rally on Wednesday to demand that, yes, every vote must be counted AND this whole regime must GO NOW!
Any regime engaged in violent voter suppression, inciting violence against "the other," and packing the court with fascists is completely illegitimate. This follows four years of actions that should have led to their removal: terrorizing immigrants, banning Muslims, encouraging violent white supremacists, denying rights to LGBTQ people and women, dismantling modest climate protections, and on and on.
We have the power to stop this rolling coup. We saw that people power this summer when millions of us took to the streets and forced society to acknowledge the history of white supremacy this country is drenched in and demand Black Lives Matter. We changed the terms! Now it's on us, through our determined, non-violent protest that doesn't stop until this threat to humanity and the planet is GONE!

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