Friday, July 8, 2022

When women are not free, no one is free. 

Fifty some events were held over the July 4th weekend under that motto. We are angry and outraged and terrified of the future the Christian fascist majority on the supreme court is constructing before our eyes, as they destroy women's civil rights, inadequate environmental protections, and more.

This court is illegitimate. This decision must not stand. Legal abortion on demand.

Saturday, July 9th, we are back in the streets with this message. NOW is the time to accelerate this movement--before the horror of this defeat numbs, before 10 year old girls traveling across state lines for an abortion becomes just another news story, before it becomes normal for wombs to be surveillance sites.

Congress is still in session, the Federal government has untapped powers to restore abortion access nationwide. WE are the ones who must demand that they use those powers. As we've said, and screamed, for more than six months, waiting until November is too late, it's deadly for hundreds, maybe thousands of women and girls.

What Rise Up 4 Abortion RIghts has accomplished matters. And what we do now is crucial. Please watch  this video with Sunsara Taylor to see why.

Then join us Saturday at 1 pm at Daley Plaza, and bring friends!
RSVP here to get reminders and tools to email friends and post on social media.
If you're on Facebook, join our event there, share and invite friends.
Every. Single. Voice. Matters. Now.

Here in Chicago, we will also be counter protesting the so-called "March for Life" celebration of this atrocity while they gear up for more and worse. This can't stand and it won't. "Pro-life your name's a lie, you don't care if women die." "Not the Church, not the State, women must decide their fate." Bring your outdoor voice, your homemade signs, your noisemakers and your friends and neighbors.

See you Saturday afternoon!

Chicago contact:    
twitter: @Riseup4abortio2    
IG: @RiseUp4AbortionRightsChi

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