Sunday, August 21, 2022

Received from TheRevComs

Behind the Week of Internet Attacks on Bob Avakian and the Revcoms: Imperialist Fear Mongers and Their Servants

July 18, 2022

Last week, three very different news outlets—the Daily BeastThe Intercept, and the Daily Caller—launched three very similar attacks on Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, the Revcoms and Bob Avakian. The Daily Beast is a mainstream liberal outlet; The Intercept is more of a so-called “progressive” one; and the Daily Caller is straight-up fascist. Yet each had the scare phrase “communist cult,” or words to that effect, in the headline. Each repeated baseless, libelous and potentially very dangerous charges against Bob Avakian, as well as Sunsara Taylor, who co-initiated Rise Up and is a follower of Bob Avakian. Each misrepresented and distorted the origin, mission, makeup and activities of Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights and the role of the Revcoms within it. And, of course, all this has since widely spread across the internet, where the standards for truth too often range from poor to nonexistent. read more

Editor's Note:  The following are statements that were either given to Revcoms or sent to this site, or sent to RiseUp4AbortionRights which gave us permission to publish them.  These statements are especially timely and needed in the face of slanderous lies and attacks launched by various opportunist forces and media outlets against Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, on the role of the Revcoms and Sunsara Taylor in it—and especially targeted against Bob Avakian with unprincipled slander and dangerous lies. We will continue to publish other statements along these lines, and any statements RU4AR receives and publishes against these attacks.

Roosevelt, member of the Chicago Revolution Club, reads his statement of support for Bob Avakian
Over the years I've seen and heard many leaders who have tried to diagnosis the many issues plaguing the Poor community's . Since 1999 one in particular showed up on my radar, Bob Avakian has been more in tune and aware of the true solutions that's needed to overcome these issues which existed for far too long! Others have came up with their ideas of fitting inside of the same dam System that's caused pain and suffering all over this planet! Sounds crazy but it's true.
Read the whole statement

Statement in response to the attacks on Bob Avakian from Freddie J. McGee, father of Freddie Latrice Wilson, shot 18 times by Chicago Police.

Someone trying to volunteer to help you, trying to save you. And you seem like you don’t care. You have to criticize the person trying to help you. If you want to use a recent example there is Martin Luther King, he was for the righteous. He was trying to support the people. He got murdered because he was trying to tell people the truth, he was trying to get people together. And they killed him for it. We still have someone like Bob Avakian risking his life, taking his time trying to help people.

Read the whole statement

From Gloria Pinex—fighter for justice and mother of Darius Pinex, killed by Chicago police I know BA personally.

The first time I heard him speak I fell in love with him. And I don’t know why someone wouldn’t want to hear from someone who gets down to earth with things. I don’t know who wouldn’t want the truth. Anything having to do with oppression he touches on it. He touches bases on Police Brutality, oppressed women—yeah—he does a lot. All that gibberish they are talking is absolutely absurd. It’s not Bobby—it’s not his character.

Read the whole statement

Jim Fouratt, gay rights activist who participated in the Stonewall Rebellion, actor, and former nightclub impresario

“These attacks on Rise Up are so similar to the attacks that happened in the 60s and 70s under the Cointelpro program by the FBI. And they’re happening today, I believe, because of the success of Sunsara Taylor and the Rise Up movement with the revcoms.”
Read the whole statement

Original posted at
Carol Downer, Executive Director of the Feminist Women’s Health Centers and Life-Long Fierce Advocate for Reproductive Rights

 “…Before you seek to defame and cast out Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights on serious (but unproven) charges of being a cult and a pyramid scheme which diverts money from social and racial justice movements, you need to seek out the experiences of non-communist feminists who have worked with the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), such as myself. As an anti-racist activist since 1965, and a feminist pro-abortion activist since 1969, I have first-hand experience with the RCP since the 1970’s which refute these charges….”
Read the whole statement

If these letters move you, or if you have been following BA, or if you are moved by the grossly distorted and unfair character of these attacks to want to see this voice not only be defended but be heard—we have a challenge. Help us to figure out the best way to get these letters out into the bloodstream of society. Send us your thinking on what should be done to popularize these testimonials that show people from so many different backgrounds and perspectives talking about what it means to have BA, his leadership, and why it’s so important to defend him and send in your letter of support (email

For more on Bob Avakian, especially for new readers, we invite all to read the other powerful material on this site: Bob Avakian, A Different Kind Of Leader, A Whole New Framework Of EmancipationHaters Who “Don’t Want to Hear About BA” Are Telling on ThemselvesBA’s official biography; and a very moving excerpt from The New Communism on why Bob Avakian does the work he does.

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