Saturday, December 31, 2022

Received from the RevComs

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Here is the latest update from the drive to raise $35,000 as a first step in raising  the funds needed to put revolution on the map in 2023. It poses a matching challenge from some people on the staff of the  website.
A group of people on the staff of  write that they are “excited and proud to be part of accelerating the movement for liberating fundamental change, for a real revolution to cast off the system that is hurtling humanity towards the brink.”
They have collected $1,000 for the  fund drive to put revolution on the map in 2023 . They will contribute that as soon as it is matched by other donations. They write that “In the spirit of 10x10 (donating ourselves and challenging others to donate as well), we are reaching out to and struggling with family, friends, and anyone reading this to donate to match this effort—putting Bob Avakian’s new ‘game changing’ set of interviews, the website , the RNL show, the comrades on the ground in LA, and the whole revolution BA is leading, on the map in 2023.”
$30,452 raised, $4,548 to go by January 2

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