Sunday, September 3, 2023

Received from Revolution Club Chicago

Protest Saturday September 9:
Call Out Fascist Lynch Mob Instigator Jason Aldean

Join us: 6pm @ 191st & OAK PARK BLVD, TINLEY PARK
(passenger drop off here) Shuttle Available
@ Arby's In Brookside Mall Brookside Marketplace Mall 7212 191 st

The Revcoms in Chicago are calling this out, live and in person when Aldean comes to Tinley Park, IL on September 9. Join us!

Revolution Club Chicago
(312) 804-9121

follow us @revclubchi

Jason Aldean's mega hit "Try That in A Small Town" is a vicious celebration of America's lynch mob tradition and a fascist call for a new civil war. It is an expression of a whole move by fascists, led by but not limited to Trump and the Republicans, to bring back the "good ol' days" of undisguised white supremacist, anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ+ and antiimmigrant violence and repression.

Jason Aldean at the Maury County Courthouse, site of his video and the 1927 lynching of Henry Choate Days after a Nazi racist mass shooter murdered 3 Black people in Jacksonville, Florida and a week after the assassination of shop owner Lauri Carlton for flying a gay pride flag in a California "small town, Jason Aldean is coming to spew his Klan-loving poison in Chicago, out at Tinley Park. NO!

While Aldean didn't directly cause those murders, he is guilty of celebrating and promoting a whole mindset that murders like those grow out of historically AND right now. Where will YOU stand?

The Revcoms say:
No More Lynch Mobs in and out of Uniform!

No More Standing by While
"Good Ol' Boys" Prepare for Civil War!

We Need and We Demand a Whole New way to Live. We Need to and We ARE Organizing for a Real Revolution.

— We call on EVERYONE who is sick and tired of all the racist, anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-immigrant hatred and violence to join us in protest Saturday September 9th in Tinley Park

more from 

What Are YOU Going To Do?

July 24, 2023

Last week, the popular country music singing MAGA fascist Jason Aldean released a video for his song Try That In A Small Town—a white supremacist call for violent retribution against flag-burners, protesters against police murder and “criminals.” The video has gotten 15 million views on YouTube, and hit #1 on the U.S. iTunes chart. 

The song and video have caused a shitstorm of controversy—it was pulled from the Country Music TV, and hordes of fascists jumped to Aldean's defense. But while many good people are criticizing Aldean's racism and violent threats, they are ignoring the actual danger of what this song—and the movement it is rallying—concentrates.

In A Declaration, A Call To Get Organized Now For A Real Revolution, we—the revcoms, revolutionary communists—wrote::

These days there is a lot of talk about another civil war, especially from fascists, in government and the broader society, who think they could just carry out a one-sided slaughter of those they hate, including Black people and other people of color, “illegal immigrants,” “uppity women” and those who don’t conform to “traditional” sexual and gender relations and “norms.” This situation needs to be radically changed, to where there are masses of people prepared to defeat these fascists and to do so as part of getting rid of this whole system, which has bred these fascists, along with all the other horrors it continually perpetrates.

“Good Ol’ Boys Raised Right” and Lynchings

This is an anthem for the aggressive and violent assertion of white American manhood. It's a call to arms—to the millions of Christian fascist MAGA thugs who are organizing now to violently enforce their program of theocratic, white supremacist, woman hating, anti-LGBTQ, America first terror. A few nights ago, at a packed concert in Cincinnati, in his intro to this song, Aldean said, “I love my country, I love my family and I'll do ANYTHING to protect that, I can tell you that right now.” 

If anyone wants to pretend this doesn't mean violence and terror, you are deluding yourselves. And this isn't far off. All this could come to a head with the looming presidential election in November 2024, if not before.  An election which these fascists have already said will be illegitimate unless they win.

 (read the entire article)

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