Sunday, January 2, 2022

 Defend Abortion Access!

Saturday, January 8, 12:30 pm
219 S. Dearborn, Chicago
Facebook event to "join," invite, share if you are on FB.

The Supreme Court and the Republican Party are systematically overturning our Constitutional right to determine when and if we want children and empowering vigilante bounty hunters to enforce their draconian laws. That is happening in Texas right now, other Republican controlled states are following suit, and it has everything to do with their fascist agenda for the future.

This Saturday, January 8, that future will be on full, ugly display at Federal Plaza when religious bigots and their political friends celebrate what they hope is the approaching end of abortion access in this country. Join us to peacefully counter their so-called "March for 'Life" with our determination to "Defend Abortion Access" at this critical moment.

Refuse Fascism Chicago Chapter is part of a growing coalition of groups that are not "waiting to see" what the fascist-dominated Supreme Court does, or hoping "someone up there" will save us. We understand that only determined resistance won the right to safe, legal abortion, and only determined resistance will save it. We will not cede the public square to the lies of these Christian fascists! We will not abandon millions of women who are already suffering horribly because they have lost access to abortion or fear becoming pregnant without it. Join us to defend abortion access, to demand abortion on demand and without apology, and refuse a fascist America, in the name of humanity.

In a recent piece on Slate, Dahlia Lithwick explains why "We're Not Going Back to 'Before Roe.' We're Headed Somewhere Worse." In this interview, she discusses why with Sunsara Taylor on The RNL Show:
We're Not Going Back to 'Before Roe.' We're Headed Somewhere Worse
As horrible as the picture is that Dahlia and Sunsara paint, there is even more at stake in the battle to defend abortion rights. Charles Blow, writing in the NY Times, called this a "test case"
of whether states can simply take away what have been protected rights, as the Supreme Court has allowed Texas to do with SB8. If we allow this to happen, the targets will be "all the 'others': Black people, immigrants, Muslims, Jews, LGBTQ people and, yes, women, particularly liberal ones." Because this Supreme Court is now dominated by fascists and those are their targets. And there's even more at stake!

The Texas law banning practically all abortions also implements another novelty: relying on vigilante bounty hunters to enforce it, rather than authorized law enforcement. What will that look like in a time of when Kyle Rittenhouse is lionized at Mar-a-Lago and fascist conventions for murdering two unarmed Black Lives Matter protesters with his AR15? When gun regulations are under attack before fascist-dominated federal courts? The chilling effect will terrorize all women and anyone who would stand up to them.

This battle for the future is being joined now. Waiting for elections in eleven months will be deadly. NOW is the time to gather our friends and neighbors who also support abortion but don't understand how the battle has changed and why we must act now, and join us on Saturday, January 8, at 12:30 pm, 219 S. Dearborn (Federal Plaza), Chicago!


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