Saturday, January 15, 2022

Received from TheRevcoms

Episode 84 of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show

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2022: A New Year... And the Possibility For Something
Truly Emancipating... IF WE FIGHT FOR IT!

SEASON 3 PREMIERES a week after the one year anniversary of the failed attempted coup carried out by Trump and the fascist mobs at the U.S. Capitol... and as the Fascist Republican Party prepares to re-seize power through rigging elections... and unleashing violence if necessary. Many see the dangers but do not see the unprecedented openings for revolution within this changed political situation. But in order for something positive to come out of all of this, YOU need to step into and join in fighting for this revolution now! In this first episode host Andy Zee sharply lays out the stakes of this historical moment, a rare time when revolution could become possible in the U.S., all of which is informed and guided by Bob Avakian's latest deeply scientific work: "Something Terrible, Or Something Truly Emancipating..." Co-host Sunsara Taylor then goes into a crucial new initiative that she is undertaking around defeating and beating back the attacks on abortion rights and the work to unite very broadly people of different perspectives to accomplish this, while herself taking this up in a way that advances the cause of real revolution and the emancipation of all humanity. And we'll feature a powerful excerpt from Bob Avakian's 2018 talk, where he addresses the need to struggle hard and win many among the most oppressed to "raise their sights" to revolution and emancipation.

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