Wednesday, May 25, 2022

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Thurs, May 26 NoonNationwide WalkOutRally Noon Federal Plaza,Adams & Dearborn* Leave work. Leave school.Raise your voice and raise hell!* Post pictures on social media with #Green4Abortion.* Wherever you are… whatever you do… through wearing green and taking a stand, together we will declare:Overturn Roe? Hell No!The Supreme Court’s cruel plan to repeal Roe v. Wade and wipe out the right to abortion is a major attack which must be DEFEATED NOW— this May and June—before it is hammered into law.This could be done if people in our millions make clear, through massive non-violent resistance, that we will bring the gears of society to a grinding halt before we allow the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.The repeal of a previously recognized Constitutional right has never been done before. This would be a massive attack on women, one-half of humanity, that on top of everything else would fall hardest on Black, Latina, and other particularly oppressed peoples. Not only that; it would put birth control and the rights of LGBTQ people in the crosshairs next.

We must unite all who can be united to oppose this monstrous attack on the fundamental right to abortion. Facing a challenge like this, while we recognize and respect our differences and welcome exchange of views, this is a moment when we must reach beyond our different experiences and political points of view to stay focused on the one overriding need of the moment: preventing the Supreme Court from ripping this right away.

It is unconscionable to not act together in powerful righteous resistance while a fundamental right of half of humanity is being ripped away. The hour is late, but there is still time. To fail to act when there is still a chance and a fight to be waged, weakens the people and emboldens those who would deny our rights. 

WE MUST ACT NOW! It is far harder to win a right back after it has been taken, than it is to defend it while you still have it. 


NEXT STEPS: Join a NATIONAL ORGANIZING ZOOM this Sunday to find out how we can act together, fast, to stop the supreme court from taking away abortion rights! Everyone is invited, every one of us has a vital role to play! Just register here for the link (4pm - 5:30 pm Central, Sunday May 29)
ALL of this is only possible with YOUR generous support, from the flyers to green stickers and bandannas (that students snap up) to picket signs and banners. This all-volunteer effort is fueled by support from people like you and every dollar is greatly appreciated. You can donate online or CashApp: $Rise4Abortion. Thank you!

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