Saturday, June 15, 2024

Revolution Summer 2024
June 23: National Fundraising Livestream

Sunday, June 23 2 pm PDT, 4 pm CDT, 5 pm EDT
Tune In To, Contribute, and Raise Funds
The Revcom Corps contingent marching in LA Hands Off Rafah rally, March 2, 2024.

The Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity has issued a bold call and challenge to make the summer of 2024 alive with revolution as things are increasingly coming to a head in this country. To achieve those goals will require the financial support of many hundreds of donors— giving all that they can, and organizing others to be part of this.


We have set an initial goal of $50,000 by July 4. This means starting the work to meet that goal now. 


If you are inspired by this Call, tune in to the fundraising livestream to learn more about the mission and goals of Revolution Summer 2024.

Or join the Revolution Corps Chicago and watch at  the Revolution Center
1857 E. 71st St. chicago
Doors open 3:30pm
Livestream starts at 4pm
Tune in to the Livestream 
Sunday, June 23 

2 pm PDT, 4 pm CDT, 5 pm EDT








Join with others on this fundraising livestream where you will meet some of the revolutionaries who are already on the ground doing this work. You will find out more about the bold plans for Revolution Summer. And you will learn how you can be part of making all of this happen, by donating funds and bringing many others to get with the movement for a REAL revolution.

Fundraising livestream for Revolution Summer


As the Call for Revolution Summer 2024 says:


Be part of making history. Be a part of fighting for a whole new way humanity could be living.


Raising funds is also essential to building up the organized networks needed for this revolution. As the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian has said: “With thousands organized into the ranks of the revolution, millions can be won to revolution; and with millions won to revolution, there could be a real possibility for this revolution to win.”


Some of the important things your donations will make possible:


** support for the work of volunteers who are fighting to make this country bristle with revolution this summer and to organize many more people into this movement, on a mission to go out to all sections of the people with the message of this Call;


** the ability to publish and distribute 100s of thousands of printed materials—posters, flyers, banners, stickers—that will reach people in cities across the country. One key part of this is making posters and broadsheets like We Need and We Demand A Whole New Way to Live, A Fundamentally Different System show up on walls and in places where people congregate, stirring up debate about the need and possibility for this Revolution. These, and other materials, are essential to reach the millions who need to learn what this revolution is all about, and how they can and need to become part of the force of thousands who are getting organized for revolution as the fight over the whole direction of society is sharpening up over the summer and into the fall.

Revolution Summer 2024
We need and we demand: A whole new way to live, a fundamentally different system
Revolution: Building up the basis to go for the whole thing with a real chance to win
The Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity

** allow organizers to travel to key areas of the country, and to bring people to Chicago in August to protest at the Democratic Convention, declaring: No Fascist Trump, No Genocide Joe, The Whole Damn System’s Got to Go. We Need Revolution for a Whole New Way to Live.


All of this requires a steady source of funds that can only come from the people who are challenged and inspired to see the goals succeed. 


In going out to build for this fund drive, spread the call for the REVOLUTION SUMMER 2024—and turn people on to @BobAvakianOfficial where they can hear directly from this revolutionary leader about why this is a rare time when revolution is more possible, about the strategy for that revolution, about the fight against the genocide in Gaza, about all the biggest questions we face in this pivotal year of 2024. 

Follow Bob Avakian on social media—where you go to scientifically understand and radically change the world... Go to every day.

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