Wednesday, June 5, 2024

THE REVCOM CORPS for the Emancipation of Humanity calls on you to join:

For A Whole New Emancipating Way to Live, A Fundamentally Different System

STOP the U.S./lsraeli Genocide of Palestinians NOW!
Another World IS
It's time for something new. For something radical. For YOU to do something that really matters. 

DM: @ RevcomCorpsChi

Look around. Israel is carrying out a heartless genocide against the Palestinian people. Whole families buried in rubble or burned alive. All of this backed and funded by the U.S. government. Capitalism-imperialism is poisoning the air and the oceans, killing off species and destroying our planet. Women's right to abortion and LGBTQ rights are being ripped away. The police are killing Black and Brown people on the daily. People look at the future with a feeling of doom.
This is not the world you want. It is not the future you should accept.

Isn't it time you join with others to do something about it?
This summer: Be a part of making history. Be a part of fighting for a whole new way humanity could be living. Be part of REVOLUTION SUMMER 2024.

You are told "there's nothing you can do." You are told that our only real choice is between the Genocide Joe Democrats and the women-hating, openly racist, fascist MAGA Republicans. THESE ARE BIG LIES.
Our real choice is to reject the entire people-killing, spirit-crushing system of capitalism-imperialism that BOTH Biden AND Trump represent and enforce!

Our real choice is seizing on this time of momentous change TO MAKE A REVOLUTION. Revolution means overthrowing this system of capitalism-imperialism and replacing it with a far better, liberating socialist system on the road to full emancipation for all humanity.

Is a real revolution possible? Yes! It is. The far-sighted revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA) has forged a scientific understanding of why revolution is necessary, how it can be made, and the liberating future it can bring about. BA has written a Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America. This visionary document breaks down how the new socialist economy will work to meet people's needs while unleashing a culture and society filled with debate and ferment over the way forward to uproot all oppression and exploitation in all its forms together with people around the world.

"But almost no one even knows about this revolution."

True. REVOLUTION SUMMER 2024 is setting out to change that.
Bob Avakian has analyzed that we are living in a rare time now when revolution is more possible than it's been in generations. One sign of this is that people can go - and are now going - through big changes fast. Just look at the heroic struggle of college students against the genocide in Gaza that spread like wild fire in just a few weeks.
Even bigger changes are coming. Think, for example, about how Trump and his MAGA fascists are promising bloodshed - even preparing for a civil war to wipe out all those they hate - if Trump loses the election. Things are not returning to "normal." One way or another, radical change is coming... soon.
All this could go somewhere truly terrible, even worse than the current nightmare under this system.
But this conflict "at the top" could also open up the possibility for a real revolution that brings about a liberating and truly beautiful future - if we get to work NOW to make millions aware of this revolution and win growing numbers to take it up.

BA has said that in these times:  
"With thousands organized into the ranks of the revolution, millions can be won to revolution; and with millions won to revolution, there could be a real possibility for this revolution to win"
  • Take the fight against genocide in Gaza and the fight for a real revolution to people everywhere. To those who catch the hardest hell, to concerts and ballgames, to protests and street-corners and far beyond.
  • Study Bob Avakian's leadership as we learn and apply the science of revolution while working together with others to put this revolution before millions and win growing numbers to get organized now to make it real.
  • Live by and fight for THE REVCOM CORPS for the Emancipation of Humanity Points of Attention for the Revolution, the liberating Code of the Revolution, (read these at
  • Build up a bold, organized, serious, disciplined force to defend the people from attacks on their rights and lives by forces in and out of government as part of transforming the people for revolution.
  • Organize powerful protests against the genocide in Gaza and for a liberating real revolution culminating in going to Chicago in August for the Democratic National Convention when the eyes of the whole world will be watching.
Be a part of making a real difference - a whole radically new way for humanity live.

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