Saturday 5/8/2010, 7pm at Revolution Books
Join us for a Commemoration the 40th Anniversary of the Massacres at
Kent State and Jackson State
Received from  Debra Sweet, Director of The World Can't Wait Posted Wednesday, 05 May 2010 onWorld Can't Wait web siteNot Complicit...Not Complacent... We Need MORE of that 40 Years after Kent State!
Around noon, forty years ago today [May 4], 4 students were shot dead, and 9 wounded when Ohio National Guardsmen shot into a protest 0f 2,000 at Kent State University. KSU officials had banned the protest, and the Ohio governor called in the Guard after students at Kent State, like those all around the world, reacted to news that the U.S. was secretly bombing Cambodia. These killings led almost immediately to a student strike of four million on 900 campuses. 450 campuses closed for the year, without exams. 100,000 of us went to Washington DC that weekend to protest the war and the killings.
Richard Nixon was sent to Camp David "for his own safety" and the 82nd Airborne wore combat gear inside the White House. The government was worried, and we students were emboldened. We were outraged, and scared, we had right on our side, and we felt, in the words of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, "how could you run when you know?"
Gotta get down to it. Soldiers are gunning us down. Should have been done long ago. What if you knew her and Found her dead on the ground? How can you run when you know?
Ten days later, 2 students were killed by state police at Jackson State in Mississippi. For millions of us, the idea that determined street protest would ever be viewed as tolerable to the powers that be -- much less insignificant or meaningless -- was over. The repression of Kent State showed how afraid the Nixon government was of the youth, and of the truth about the Vietnam war. The opposition to the war grew.
Four dead in Ohio, forty years ago. I am proud to be part of a generation that helped stop an illegitimate war. We need that kind of response now. The world can't wait for it! Students called for protests on 100 campuses today against Obama's wars, and Michael Moore and others are sponsoring a 40th Anniversary Kent State Truth Tribunal.
Sunday, May 9, 4pm
EMERGENCY MEETING on the GULF COAST OIL SPILL The explosion of the Deepwater  Horizon drilling platform that killed 11 workers on April 20 threatens to become a massive and perhaps unparalleled environmental disaster. This is outrageous and immoral. What is happening in the Gulf points to the reality that the capitalist system is unable and unwilling to protect the planet and the people. Current estimates are that 200,000 gallons a day are gushing out of the sea floor, one mile beneath the surface. The spill endangers fragile marshes, ponds, creeks, lakes, and other wetlands making up 40 percent of U.S. total wetlands. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries estimates that at least 400 species-from shrimp to pelicans to river otters-could be impacted by the oil, including a dozen listed under the Endangered Species Act. This is a capitalist oil spill. The Gulf of Mexico has been turned into a vast laboratory for deep-water oil drilling to serve capitalism's relentless drive for profit and strategic control of energy resources. Official U.S. government policy has encouraged this. The inconvenient truth is that this oil leak could have been prevented. But it is "cost-effective" for companies like British Petroleum to scrimp on safety and environmental protection measures and equipment. (read more)  "State of Emergency! The Plunder Of Our Planet, The Environmental Catastrophe and The Real Revolutionary Solution" Check out this special issue of REVOLUTION newspaper
Sunday, May 16, 4 pm
Discussion of an important new article by Bob Avakian:
Many people who don't like the way the world is today are weighed down by a belief that there is no alternative to the way things are. They can't see beyond the world as it is.
But in actual fact, the world does NOT have to be this way, there is a system of capitalism-imperialism that has gotten us in the situation we are in today, and keeps us there. And it is through revolution to get rid of this system that we ourselves can bring a much better system into being. There is a radically different and better way to live. And WE ARE right now BUILDING a movement for this revolution.
Come and discuss: · Why do we say that the oppression that the majority of people on the planet face is unnecessary? · And why is revolution the only way that the environmental emergency of the planet itself can be solved? · What do we mean by "hastening while awaiting" the emergence of a revolutionary situation? · Why does everything we're doing have to be part of making revolution? · Why is there no permanent and unchanging "human nature" and why do we say people can transform into emancipators of humanity? · What kind of revolution are we talking about; what will the revolution look like? · What kind of new state and new society is envisioned by Bob Avakian?
Memorial Day Weekend May 29-30, East Coast
Major conference on the campaign.
The Revolutionary Communist Party has launched a nationwide campaign: The Revolution We Need... The Leadership We Have. This is a campaign to put revolution and communism back on the map and to make known very broadly in society the leadership of Bob Avakian. And through this campaign we are recruiting and forging a new generation of dedicated, passionate and conscious fighters for this new stage of communism. The upcoming conferences on the East and West coasts will dig deeply into and wrangle over the campaign. Watch for more information at
View Clips from Sunsara Taylor's National Tour

"From the Burkha to the Thong, Everything Must, And Can, Change-- WE NEED TOTAL REVOLUTION!"
Click here for her blog and view excerpts from the tour stop Q&A in Berkeley, California on March 15, 2010
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