Sponsored by the University of Chicago chapter of the Platypus Affiliated Society, Co-Sponsored by UChicago Student Government and International House Global Voices Program
November 29, Thursday, 7 PM Author Presentation and Book Signing - Dr. Kenneth Saltman
The Failure of Corporate School Reform
In his new book, Dr. Saltman argues, "Corporate school reforms, especially privatization, union busting, and high-stakes testing have been hailed as the last best hope for public education... corporate school reform fails to challenge and in fact worsens the most pressing problems facing public schooling, including radical funding inequalities, racial segregation, and anti-intellectualism."
Dr. Kenneth J. Saltman is a professor of Educational Policy Studies and Research at DePaul University. Saltman's other books include: The Gift of Education: Public Education and Venture Philanthropy and Capitalizing on Disaster: Taking and Breaking Public Schools.
Massive Protest Needed:
Revolution Books encourages everyone to stand against this outrage and come out to the protest today called for by many organizations:
Mass March and Rally for the People of Gaza
Monday, November 19th, 4:30-6:00pm
March will begin at Federal Plaza (219 S Dearborn St, Chicago) and end at Daley Center.
Read and circulate Revolution newspaper coverage: Israel's Murderous Assault on the People in Gaza...And the Need to Oppose These Crimes NOW! by Alan Goodman.
Tuesday, Nov. 20, 7pm at Revolution Books: Emergency Meeting on Gaza
Come and discuss the article: Israel's Murderous Assault on the People in Gaza... And the Need to Oppose These Crimes NOW! and why and how people in this country need to act against this outrage.
For crucial background information, read the special issue of Revolution, Bastion of Enlightenment... or Enforcer for Imperialism: The Case of ISRAEL and BRINGING FORWARD ANOTHER WAY by Bob Avakian.
Author Presentation and Book Signing Dr. Kenneth Saltman "The Failure of
Corporate School Reform"
In his new book, Dr. Saltman argues, "Corporate school reforms, especially privatization, union busting, and high-stakes testing have been hailed as the last best hope for public education... corporate school reform fails to challenge and in fact worsens the most pressing problems facing public schooling, including radical funding inequalities, racial segregation, and anti-intellectualism."
Dr. Kenneth J. Saltman is a professor of Educational Policy Studies and Research at DePaul University. Saltman's other books include: The Gift of Education: Public Education and Venture Philanthropy and Capitalizing on Disaster: Taking and Breaking Public Schools.
Sat. Nov 17, 2012- 2pm - Join Us in Wicker Park
![]() Hookup at Revolution Books
Take It to the Streets!
Stop the War on Women!
Wherever women's identities, bodies, and rights are under attack, CALL IT OUT November 17!
Abortion on Demand and Without Apology End Pornography & Patriarchy: The Enslavement and Degradation of Women Across the country and in different ways, join with others to stand up and speak out.
We will not accept a world where women are routinely raped, brutalized, humiliated and degraded. We will not lie down as women's right to abortion and even birth control is being stripped away. We will resist the culture of rape and pornography that equates sex with domination and conquest and tr eats women as mere objects to be plundered by men.
A future where no woman ever again knows what it is to fear for her safety at the hands of men. Where women never again know what it is to give themselves to a man sexually for any reason other than their own desire-free of pressure, judgment, or degradation. A world where men view women as full human beings and full partners. A world where lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people have not only the full rights-but the full respect-as everyone else. And a culture filled with poetry and music and other forms of art that foster deep respect towards women.
Wherever you are and whatever you do on November 17-be it a march or street ![]() theater, a protest at a strip club or an anti-abortion church, a speak-out or poetry reading, or some sort of public "social intervention" where a lot of folks gather-you will be joined by others around the country. Every act will be a mplified, more people will be woken up and inspired, and this movement-and the possibility of real liberation-will grow!
![]() Just Added Monday Nov 19, 7 pm Come to film screening & discussion at Revolution Books Chicago The Price of Pleasure: Pornography, Sexuality & Relationships a inside look at the pornography industry Contact us today with your plans or your questions: StopPatriarchy@gmail.com STOPPATRIARCHY.ORG STOPPATRIARCHY.TUMBLR.COM For Chicago- contact Revolution Books at revbookschi@yahoo.com or call 773-489-0930 |
Received from the Editors of REVOLUTION newspaper
The crisis set off by Hurricane Sandy has laid bare the real ways society operates. It has shown why those ways must be radically and fundamentally changed. And it has shown some of the outlines of how that change could come about. Read more...
Follow Revolution newspaper's ongoing coverage on how Hurricane Sandy is affecting people. Read stories from on the ground that you won't find anywhere else! You can read a report from the New York City Revolution Club meeting November 1. Read it, share it, spread it now. revcom.us
Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution.
![]() Stop the War on Women! Abortion on Demand and Without Apology End Pornography & Patriarchy: The Enslavement and Degradation of Women Across the country and in different ways, join with others to stand up and speak out. We will not accept a world where women are routinely raped, brutalized, humiliated and degraded. We will not lie down as women's right to abortion and even birth control is being stripped away. We will resist the culture of rape and pornography that equates sex with domination and conquest and treats women as mere objects to be plundered by men.
Contact us today with your plans or your questions: StopPatriarchy@gmail.com STOPPATRIARCHY.ORG STOPPATRIARCHY.TUMBLR.COM For Chicago- contact Revolution Books at revbookschi@yahoo.com or call 773-489-0930 |
![]() If you click here, you will see some of the most striking and heartfelt pictures and quotes from Revolution Newspapers centerfolds. Revolution Books is looking for a designer that will help put this together as a fundraiser for Revolution newspaper.
The art is compelling, the quotes are speaking to the big questions facing humanity by Bob Avakian, and a calendar such as this would be a huge contribution to raising funds for the paper. If you would like to be a part of this project or know someone who would- email us at revbookschi@yahoo. com or call 773-489-0930 You are needed to be part of changing the world. Lets work together on this project. Warm regards,
Jessie from Revolution Books |