Friday, September 18, 2015

September 21-26 at Revolution Books

Wednesday, Sept. 23, 7 pm 
Demarcations Discussion 

Continuing the discussion on epistemology ("how humans reach an understanding of the truth and how to assess the reliability of that knowledge") 

This is the second in a series of discussions about the article, " Ajith--Portrait of a Residue of the Past" from Demarcations, the Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic . We will continue to get at 'what is truth' and how to arrive at the truth, based on reading excerpts of the article.

You don't have to have read the whole article, or have been at the first discussion; we welcome everyone to take up these important questions. Together, we will break down the complex theoretical concepts. Bob Avakian (BA) has written widely on the question of epistemology and we will use his outline on the new synthesis to help frame this discussion.

Specific questions for this session (and relevant page nos. in the article):
  • Does the political stance or class of the person arguing for something determine whether it's true? Is something that is useful, by definition true? (25-28)
  • What is the relation between truth and partisanship in standing for revolution? (32-34)
  • How certain can we be about what we find to be true? How do we know who's telling the truth about communism? (44-45)
  • Are "Nature" and "History" endowed with a purpose and driven by a pre-existing goal? Why? Why not? What have been some of the effects on the communist movement of seeing the triumph of communism as inevitable? (46-51, 55-57)
Copies of the article are available at Revolution Books for $5 or it can be downloaded here.

Revolution Books is co-sponsoring  Wicker Park & West Town LIT DAY  on Saturday, September 26 with two events:

11 am
Monthly Book Club Discussion
    God Help the Child,  by Toni Morrison 
 ( This is not an author event.)

2 pm
Author appearance: 
Christopher Benson, co-author with Mamie Till Mobley, of

Open House 5 - 7 pm
Monday, Sept. 21 
  • Come pick up copies of Revolution newspaper "hot off the press"
  • Help mail subscriptions of Revolution to prisoners

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for upcoming events. 
Wed-Fri: 4-7 pm  Sat & Sun: 12-5 pm 

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2:00 pm
Author Event--Christopher Benson, 
co-author with Mamie Till-Mobley, of 
Death of Innocence: The Story of the Hate Crime that Changed America 

Fifty years ago, 14 year old Emmett Till of Chicago was brutally murdered by racist vigilantes while visiting relatives in Money, Mississsippi. In an act of courage in the face of devastating loss, his mother decided that the world would  have  to confront the horror of her son's murder. It was a decision that galvanized the civil rights movement. This is her story. It is a story that continues today, as hundreds of Black and Brown people lose their lives each year to racist police murderers who walk free, as Emmett's murderers did. Join us to hear from Christopher Benson, who worked with Mamie Till Mobley in the last months of her life to produce this moving testament to how courage and determination can change history. 

Contact Revolution Books to pre-order your copy now!  
Wednesday, August 23, 7 pm 
Demarcations Discussion 

Continuing the discussion on epistemology ("how humans reach an understanding of the truth and how to assess the reliability of that knowledge") 

This is the second in a series of discussions about the article, " Ajith--Portrait of a Residue of the Past" from Demarcations, the Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic . We will continue to get at 'what is truth' and how to arrive at the truth, based on reading excerpts of the article.

You don't have to have read the whole article, or have been at the first discussion; we welcome everyone to take up these important questions. Together, we will break down the complex theoretical concepts. Bob Avakian (BA) has written widely on the question of epistemology and we will use his outline on the new synthesis
to help frame this discussion.

Specific questions for this session (and relevant page nos. in the article):
  • Does the political stance or class of the person arguing for something determine whether it's true? Is something that is useful, by definition true? (25-28)
  • What is the relation between truth and partisanship in standing for revolution? (32-34)
  • How certain can we be about what we find to be true? How do we know who's telling the truth about communism? (44-45)
  • Are "Nature" and "History" endowed with a purpose and driven by a pre-existing goal? Why? Why not? What have been some of the effects on the communist movement of seeing the triumph of communism as inevitable? (46-51, 55-57)
Copies of the article are available at Revolution Books for $5 or it can be downloaded here.

Saturday, September 26, 11 am 
Monthly Book Club Discussion

God Help the Child
  by Toni Morrison 
The latest novel by Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison continues the work she began 45 years ago with The Bluest Eye. " Spare and unsparing,  God Help the Child  -the first novel by Toni Morrison to be set in our current moment - weaves a tale about the way the sufferings of childhood can shape, and misshape, the life of the adult." 
(This is not an author event.)
Y ou can get your copy at Revolution Books.

Open House 5 - 7 pm
Tuesday, Sept. 8 
  • Come pick up copies of Revolution newspaper "hot off the press"
  • Help mail subscriptions of Revolution to prisoners

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