Come to July 4 Chicago Picnic
"Imagine a World Without America and Everything It Stands For"...
Monday, July 4, 63rd St. Beach (63rd & Lake Shore Dr.)
2-6 pm
(Look for big red flag)
Celebrate the REAL Revolution and the Dream of a TRULY Better World
The Revolution Club and the BA Everywhere campaign invite you to the kind of July 4 picnic you can really enjoy: a REALLY revolutionary one. There'll be food, fun and friendship--plus ways to find out about the work and leadership of Bob Avakian, BA, the Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party... ways to get involved with the Revolution Club, which is working to spread revolution and communism, and fight the power, and transform the people, for revolution... and ways to get with BA Everywhere, which is working to raise big money to get the word on BA out all over.

Bring your friends and bring your family for a day of fun and celebration that is part of getting to a radically different and far better world.
Contact: Revolution Club Chicago, 312-804-9121. Call to arrange if you need a ride. Parking is available at the beach, and additional lots are just west of Lake Shore Drive (off of Hayes Drive). To get to the beach via CTA take the #63 bus (eastbound).