Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Received from

Read the entire new issue at
Why We Need an Actual Revolution 
And How We Could Really Make Revolution

A Speech two parts by Bob Avakian
Watch the films here:»
Watch the Trailer here » 
Showings on CANTV / Chicago »
Watch Clips from Speech »
Listen to Audio clips from Q&A Sessions »
Highlighting this week December 24, 2018
Read more
When the American Hitler and His War Criminal Defense Chief Battle It Out... Do We Have a (Mad) Dog in Their Fight?
December 24, 2018
A war criminal and a fascist walk into an oval office... this could be the beginning of a joke, but the consequences for humanity are anything but.
Trump and his regime’s raison d’être—the reason that they are in power—is to upend what have been the prevailing norms of how the most powerful country in history is ruled and how it enforces and extends its imperialist domination of the world. Over the last few months Trump has been plowing ahead with his fascist program in many ways, including clearing out opposition from within his regime.
"New Communism" and Driving Out Trump and Pence
TYT’s Cenk Uygur spoke with Andy Zee of Refuse Fascism and Revolution Books, NYC, about the threats posed by the Trump/Pence regime.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Received from Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund

Support the Revolution Club Chicago
Be Part of the $30,000 Winter Fund Drive

In a world that is increasingly a nightmare for humanity, Chicago is known worldwide as the killing fields where police shoot down Black people, and where too many youth who have the hardest life under this system shoot at each other. Revolution Club Chicago is fighting to change this to be where people lift their heads and take up making revolution to emancipate all humanity. Right now, you can become part of the networks of people making THIS what Chicago is becoming known for. Your donations are needed to help make happen.

This system has no future for the youth and causes too many to find meaning in taking revenge on each other. The system we're up against, capitalism-imperialism, has white supremacy running all throughout it, has the planet burning from war and environmental destruction, children being tear-gassed on the border, women and LGBTQ people debased and denied basic rights... and
this is now being taken to new levels of hell with the Trump/Pence regime in power. This system needs to be overthrown as soon as possible. Throughout the country, people hardest hit by this system and others who want to see a better world, are working to organize thousands and influence millions for revolution. With your support and involvement, Chicago can be part of changing what people everywhere see as possible.
Many people want a better future for the youth, and for humanity. Together we can make this happen, not because we're better people with bigger hearts, but because we have what is needed and missing to get out of this mess. We have the science to get at the real problem AND the solution, a real revolution. The leader of this revolution, Bob Avakian, has not only developed this science and the strategy for revolution, but also has a deep connection with the very people who most need this revolution, and can break this down for everyone to take up

Your support enables those who have taken this up to continue spreading the word and organizing people into the revolution. Your donations provide backing to those striving to lift their heads up from the dog-eat-dog struggle to survive and raise their sights to emancipating humanity.

Donate today for costs of flyers, posters, books, banners, and t-shirts. Donate to support and maintain the Revolution Club Organizing Center in South Shore, and the full-time volunteers who are in Chicago from across the country throwing all-in on this mission.
Donating enables all this, and is itself a meaningful
and much-needed contribution to making revolution!
"> Donate online at:

Or in person at:
Revolution Club Organizing Center 1857 E.71st  

Facebook/Twitter: RevClubChi 

Friday, December 14, 2018

Received from Revolution Club Chicago

Revolution Club Chicago Future People Open Mic Fundraiser 
Suggested Donation $5

Support the Revolution Club and be part of creating a culture of Future People! Come and bring friends, poetry, music, spoken word... and more!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Received from

Question: What Do You Do With a System
That Gives No Future to Millions of
Black and Latino Youth; Whose Police Brutalize,
Lock Them Up and Even Kill Them in Cold Blood,
and Then Covers It Up?
NOW AVAILABLE: POSTER OF "These People and Many
More—Murdered in Cold Blood Year After Year by Chicago Cops"

Answer: Overthrow It.

Last fall, for the first time in almost 50 years, an on-duty Chicago cop (Jason Van Dyke) was put on trial for murdering Laquan McDonald. The trial was rare, the jury’s conviction for second degree murder even rarer. The trial was rare not because the police in Chicago rarely kill Black youths but because they are never prosecuted for it. From 2010 to 2016, police killed 92 people and wounded 170. Four out of five were Black. Before Van Dyke, no cop has been on trial for shooting while on duty. (Chicago Tribune, August 26, 2016)

Now three former and current Chicago cops are being tried in a bench trial (a trial before a judge, not a jury) for conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and official misconduct, i.e., lying in official police reports to cover up and justify Van Dyke shooting Laquan. Both sides have rested and the judge said she will rule on December 19.

Laquan McDonald was just 17 years old. (His friends morphed their greeting, “Quon Dog” into an affectionate “Corn Dog.”) He had made a new start at an alternative high school on the South Side where the principal described him as quick to smile and hug his teachers. On an October night in 2014, Laquan was already surrounded by multiple police on a major street in an industrial section of the South Side of Chicago when Jason Van Dyke arrived on the scene. Seconds later, he jumped out of his patrol car and opened fire. Laquan crumpled to the ground. Van Dyke paused for a moment and then resumed shooting over and over and over. 16 shots. The eight Chicago pigs on the spot provided no first aid, no comfort. (
Continue reading here)

If you want to understand WHY this keeps happening over and over for decades; if you want to understand why the oppression of Black people is poured into the foundation of this capitalist-imperialist system and why there is no future for the youth; if you want to understand why the ; Chicago consent decree was a product of the struggle against police brutality but won’t fundamentally solve the problem; if you want to understand why a revolution is the solution and how one could be made... if you agonize about this situation-- then you need to watch the film of Bob Avakian’s talk Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution and listen to his answer during a Q& A in Chicago about the consent decree. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Stories Connected presents: 
A Conversation with Maya
Wednesday, December 5 2018, 4-6:30 pm
Sanctuary Cafe (inside University Church)
5655 S. University Ave
Click here to watch the video
Facebook event link here
Meet with, hear from, learn how to support Maya Diya Cruz. 

My name is Maya Cruz. UChicago wants to put me in prison for 7 years for a silent protest in support of immigrants. I am also banned from campus.  Come meet me and hear about my legal case. 
This is an OUTRAGE!  #FreeMaya  
Sign the petition -
Donate here to legal defense for Maya and
the Revolution Club-Chicago
Maya Cruz faces FELONY charges, 7 years in prison, for a SILENT PROTEST in support of immigrants! She is also banned from the University of Chicago. This is the same university that prides itself on freedom of speech and invited Steven Bannon to speak.
Meanwhile the attacks on immigrants escalate - over 14,000 children in concentration camps. Thousands of women, men and children walk from Honduras and Guatemala (caravan) seeking asylum as Trump sends military troops to the border with orders to shoot!
Maya was part of sounding the alarm on the attacks on immigrants after Trump threatened to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. And all those whose hearts ache over the criminalization of immigrants, need to support Maya.
Come hear her story, watch clips from the silent protest and find out how you can be part of supporting Maya. Drop the charges. #FreeMaya
FB/Twitter @MayaRevClub
Revolution Club Chicago, 312-804-9121 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Showing this December on CANTV, TV21

Watch ON THESE DATES. This speech has two parts.

Sat, Dec 01, 4:00pm    Why We Need An Actual Revolution: Part One
Sat, Dec 01, 5:11pm    Why We Need An Actual Revolution: Part Two

Sat, Dec 08, 5:00pm     Why We Need An Actual Revolution: Part One
Thu, Dec 13, 8:30pm    Why We Need An Actual Revolution: Part Two

Sat, Dec 22, 5:00pm     Why We Need An Actual Revolution: Part One
Thu, Dec 27, 8:30pm    Why We Need An Actual Revolution: Part Two 
If you feel you cannot stand to look at another picture of families torn apart, children crying out from cages at the border, or hear another story of someone ripped away from their family in the middle of the night or at work or wherever... but you know you can’t turn away either...

If you don’t know how to bear another day with news of yet another Black or Latino youth gunned down by police, or women being assaulted and degraded at every turn... but don’t know just what to do to STOP it, really stop it...

If it hurts your heart to even think about the endless and unjust wars and the threat of even worse, or the environment quickly sliding beyond a state of repair... and the solutions on offer seem to fall so short of what is needed...

Then there’s a film for you.
If you think there may be something fundamentally foul about a system, capitalism, which leaves so much suffering, destruction, and madness in its wake...

If you refuse to swallow the biggest of all lies—that this is the best of all possible worlds... If you’ve wondered about revolution, and want to hear someone break down why it’s needed, what it is, and how it could come about...

Then you need to know about, watch, and help spread the filmed speech by Bob Avakian (BA) READ MORE

Friday, November 9, 2018

Received from Refuse Fascism Chicago

Even with a Democratic House, We Must Be In the Streets
to Demand and Demonstrate Our Determination that 
In the Name of Humanity, 
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! 

In the Name of Humanity, Trump/Pence Must Go!

Protest Nationwide • Saturday November 10
CHICAGO • 1:00 pm
Federal Plaza

Facebook event

[1] The most defining thing about these recent elections is that the fascist program of the Trump/Pence regime became more consolidated and its fascist social base was more fully unleashed. Pipe bombs sent to leading Democrats and CNN. A hideous antisemitic massacre. Racist murders of African-Americans. Vicious anti- immigrant lies of an “invading caravan” to be met by U.S. troops who Trump said should shoot if the refugees throw rocks. Trump whipping up his rallies – Nuremberg style. 

On top of two years of the regime eviscerating what are supposed to be civil and legal rights, banning Muslims, locking in a majority fascist Supreme Court, stoking violent white supremacy and xenophobia, hateful misogyny, and ripping up international alliances and ramping up the threats of war. 

The Trump/Pence regime and the forces within it have said they view this presidency as the “last chance” to secure their vision for this country. This will continue and grow worse – with Trump now firing Sessions, attacking reporters, doubling down on his racist nationalism – unless and until it is stopped by the masses of people acting in fierce and sustained opposition outside the confines of politics as usual. 

[2] The Democrats winning a majority in the House did not change this. The Democratic opposition throughout the elections and Nancy Pelosi’s post-election speech, refused to confront Trump’s fascism, but instead normalized, accommodated, and then promised to collaborate with the regime that is bringing an American fascism. 

About the Democrats, it could be said: “First they came for the Muslims, and I protested once and then let it happen... Then they came for the immigrants, and I voted for healthcare and stayed mum.” They are determined to maintain order – even if that is the order of fascism – rather than risk the instability that it would take to confront and drive out the fascist regime and the nightmare they are hammering into place. 

[3] The people who hate and fear this whole fascist nightmare and direction must now ACT with great determination in the streets – while organizing to move tens of thousands and soon millions to join them in the streets – with sustained determination until we drive this fascist regime from power in the name of humanity. This is why we are out here today and are calling on people to be in the streets with us on Saturday across this country to say: 

In the Name of Humanity, The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Revolution / issued this Call to Our Readers

On the Midterm Elections and the Fascist Violence

The elections set for November 6 are shaping up to be a major political flash point. Trump has been holding increasingly aggressive and almost daily fascist mass rallies around the country in the lead-up to these. He has been whipping up his base not only to vote, but to adopt an increasingly aggressive stance to those he has declared to be enemies. At the same time, there has been in the past week a series of violent fascist political acts.

In the face of this, we urge our readers to:

One: watch and spread these new clips from Bob Avakian, in which he answers two questions that were asked during his speaking tour during summer 2018 about what we can expect from and what we must do about the Trump/Pence fascist regime.

Two: fully throw in with the demonstrations called by Refuse Fascism to begin on Wednesday, November 7, 

Regardless of Whether You Voted... 
No Matter Who Wins
We Must Be in the Streets, 

Beginning the Day After the Midterm Elections

In Chicago
Wednesday, November 7, 4:00–7:00 pm
Federal Plaza, Adams & Dearborn, 

Facebook Event


November 10, 1:00– 2:00 pm
Federal Center and Plaza, 
219 S Dearborn St, Chicago, 
Facebook Event 

(Go here for places/times and other info for nationwide protests on Wednesday, November 7, and Saturday, November 10.)

Three: watch, watch again, and get out THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO! In The Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America. A Better World IS Possible, a filmed speech by Bob Avakian going deeply into the fascist character of the regime, its roots in this capitalist-imperialist system, and what must be done in the immediate struggle against this; as part of this, reach out to those who have seen this film and strongly encourage them to show it and spread it during the period leading up to and immediately after the elections.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Received from Stop Mass Incarceration Network Chicago

23rd Annual National Day of Protest to STOP Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation!

March and Rally: October 22, 2:30 pm Daley Plaza (Washington & Dearborn in the Chicago Loop)
Police continue to brutalize and murder people, especially Black, Latino and Indigenous people. The system continues to almost always let brutal, murdering cops walk free. Now Donald Trump, and his keebler elf looking attorney general, Jeff Sessions, are saying "bring back Stop and Frisk" and "courts should stop getting in the way of police trying to do their jobs," there will be more racial profiling and more police terror.

The conviction of the Chicago cop who murdered Laquan McDonald was a little taste of justice. But rivers of blood have been spilled by killer cops.

Following the conviction of Van Dyke for the murder of Laquan McDonald, the mayor and the police chief said that now was the time for the city to heal. They meant that they would go back to giving murdering cops a pass and people should just shut up and let that go down. They made this clear by rehiring the cop who shot 15-year-old Dakota Bright in the back of the head a week after Van Dyke was convicted.

This must STOP, and it's up to us to stop it. Laquan's murderer got convicted because people took their refusal to put up with police getting away with murder into the streets; in Ferguson, in Baltimore, and all across the country, including in Chicago. Now is a time for those who have to live their lives under the guns and billy clubs of brutal, murdering cops to be joined by everybody who doesn't want to live in a world where police get away with murder to join together to say: Police Terror Must STOP!

October 22 is the day to do this. It's the National Day of Protest to STOP Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation. A day when those whose loved ones have been stolen from them by those sworn to protect and serve have a platform to speak of how the police have stolen the lives of their loved ones; a day when others stand with them and call for this injustice to stop!
All out for October 22!



This call has been issued by:
Alice Howell, grandmother of Justus Howell, killed by police in Zion, Illinois, in 2015
Carl Dix, Revolutionary Communist Party, co-founder of Stop Mass Incarceration Network
Gloria Pinex, mother of Darius Pinex, killed by police in Chicago in 2011
Latoya Howell, mother of Justus Howell, killed by police in Zion, Illinois, in 2015
Panzy Edwards, mother of Dakota Bright, killed by police in Chicago, 2012
Veda Washington, aunt of Alton Sterling, killed by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2016

Called by: Revolution Club Chicago
1857 E. 71st. St.
Social media: @revclubchi
Received from REVCOM.US 

Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution
A speech by Bob Avakian

In two parts:

Part 1: Only an Actual Revolution Can Bring About the Fundamental Change That Is Needed
Part 2: How We Can Really Make Revolution
“...we have two choices: either, live with all this—and condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all—or, make revolution!” – Bob Avakian

Watch it... Spread it... Fund it...

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