Friday, July 26, 2019

Received from Revolution Club Chicago and the Revolution Tour

Join us at Revolution Books to Raise Funds and Watch The Livestream from the Revolution Tour  from Chicago
Sunday July 28th  
 Come at 1pm to Meet the Revolution Club 
Watch the livestream at 1:30pm (PST)  
Chicago Revolution Club
Be part of the movement to raise funds for  the Revolution Tour.   
Watch the livestream here. 
Spread the word.  Gather your friends and contribute.
In the livestream, people from the Tour will be bringing news hot on the heels of what they've been doing in Chicago.   
Someone from the tour will be at Revolution Books to meet with people and help bring out more about the goals and work of the revolution and how you can be part of it.
Keep up with the tour at

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Come out Sunday, July 28 to the Fundraising Party for the National ‘Get Organized for an Actual Revolution’ Tour

RSVP at Eventbrite

The National Tour can be reached at:
Revolution Club - Chicago
Organizing Center
1857 E 71st St
Chicago, IL
(312) 804-9121

Donate to the Tour:

Donations accepted here via PayPal and credit cards. 


Revolution Books, Chicago

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Received for REVOLUTION CLUB Chicago

You Are Invited to Join with the National ‘Get Organized for
an Actual Revolution’ Tour this Weekend - July 27-28

Saturday, July 27
Rebellion Against 1919 Racist Riots and the Revolution We Need Today
July 27th is the 100th anniversary of the white supremacist violence– and the righteous resistance– of 1919. The National Revolution Tour will be at the 31st Street Beach (historically the 29th St. Beach) where on July 27, 1919 a vicious white mob attacked Black people, killing dozens, and sparking a “red summer” of terror and anti-Black violence in Chicago and around the country. Read more on the history of this racist pogrom and how people righteously defended themselves in Chicago in 1919.

The Tour will be bringing out the revolution we need today, saying NO MORE to the violence and crimes against humanity that are still happening today in even more gruesome ways under this system.

At 5:30 pm on Saturday, join the Revolution Tour at the 31st Street Beach as they march, rally, and declare NO MORE!

Sunday, July 28
Future People Fundraising Party, 5:00 to 8:00 pm,
come out to the Future People Fundraising Party, 5:00 to 8:00 pm, $15 ticket price, location TBD. Live the future the Tour is bringing into being today, with music, art, and ways of relating that reflect the Points of Attention for the Revolution and the kind of world we need to get to.

What Can You Do Now?
  • Spread the word. Make it known that the Revolution Tour is here in Chicago. Share this email with your family, friends, and community. On social media follow @RevClubChi (Twitter and Facebook) and RevClub.Chi on Instagram.
  • Donate. Join others all over the country who are raising funds for this revolution. Contribute to and sustain the tour by donating now, hosting fundraisers, and raising funds among those you know. Donate through PayPal.
And come out on the weekend of July 27-28!

The National Tour can be reached at:
Revolution Club - Chicago
Organizing Center
1857 E 71st St
Chicago, IL
(312) 804-9121

Monday, July 8, 2019

Received from Revolution Club Chicago

FRIDAY JULY 12 - 6:30-9:00 pm
PLACE: Quaker House 5615 S Woodlawn Ave (Hyde Park)

You Think You’re Woke... But You’re Sleepwalking Through A Nightmare —This System Cannot Be Reformed, It Must Be Overthrown!”
Millions of people hate the depraved cruelty and danger that confronts people here and around the world. But, they have not known there is a way out of the madness. The Get Organized for An ACTUAL Revolution Tour is bringing that way:

Volunteers of all ages and backgrounds have left their homes and hit the road to put actual revolution, the New Communism developed by Bob Avakian, on the map across this country and beyond – and to organize thousands into the movement for this revolution over the course of the next year.

The tour kicks off its Chicago leg July 12th, 13th, & 14th. Come to the dinner to welcome, support, and learn more about the tour. To assist with food for the dinner, message us or call 312.804.9121.


                        July 4:  BURNING FLAGS LIGHT UP A DIFFERENT FUTURE

Monday, July 1, 2019

CALL TO VOLUNTEERS to PROVIDE DINNERS for the NATIONAL Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour

Dinners for 30 revolutionaries are needed every day from July 12 through August 17 (6 weeks, 42 days).
The Tour group will be eating together at the Organizing Center at 1857 E. 71st Street at 6:00 pm.
You can make a big contribution by providing nutritious, delicious dinners to sustain the people on this Tour!
Get together a team and pick your date(s).   

Especially needed now are the dinner commitments for the first week that the Tour is in Chicago, July 12 – 19.

There are many ways to participate: You can cook the dinner yourself or with your family members and friends.  You can go to a restaurant for donations of food.  You can buy the meals at a restaurant (doesn’t have to be fancy) or some combination or other way, as long as you provide a complete meal (entrée, vegetable, maybe bread).

If you are a caterer or know one or have experience with cooking for large groups (church groups, school, family get-togethers), your expertise and advice on what’s involved, ways to carry this out, food safety, transport, etc. are needed whether or not you can provide a meal.

If you don’t cook, you can be part of planning or transporting the food from the kitchens of the cooks to the Organizing Center.

Also needed is someone who can set up a Google calendar (or similar) for this project to show which dates are covered and which ones still need volunteers to take responsibility for that dinner date.

To contact the food team, call 773-469-3445 or email

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