Friday, February 28, 2020
Received from Revolution Club Chicago
Received from Refuse Fascism
A Statement of Conscience; A Call to Act
February, 2020
Silent No More, We Say:
The hour is late. For over three years, the Trump/Pence regime has brought an unrelenting barrage of insult, injury, and atrocity, with catastrophic consequences for all humanity.
There are times in history when a people must reach deep into their collective conscience and act with extraordinary moral courage to stop the crimes of their government.
We must say out loud what has been too often spoken in whispers and riddles. An American fascism is here and advancing, wrapped in the flag and Mike Pence’s Bible taken literally—spreading its poison of white supremacy, misogyny, xenophobia, and oppressive, fundamentalist “traditional” values.
The world as we have known it is being torn asunder. Fascist regimes are taking root everywhere as tens of millions of people are forced to seek asylum from wars, climate change, and enormous economic dislocation. Scientists have “reset” the Doomsday clock that measures the danger of nuclear war and the destruction of the environment to 100 seconds before midnight.
Thousands fill stadiums and cheer as Trump spews heinous, bigoted rhetoric. His acolytes threaten civil war and carry out acts of terror.
Trump’s acquittal in a sham impeachment trial has set a legal precedent for him to do whatever he wants—even steal an election—as he barrels ahead with alarming vengeance.
The regime bludgeons the very notion of objective truth; trafficking not merely in lies, but in flagrant campaigns of disinformation.
They purge those who refuse to march in lockstep, then pack the judiciary, the police and the military, the executive and legislative branches, and the state houses with fascists and all manner of reactionary zealots—including theocratic Christian fascists—who see this as their last chance to cement their domination for generations to come.
The damage already done cannot be easily reversed, while worse is surely to come. It might only take asingle serious crisis, international or domestic, for this regime to drop the hammer. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.
Enough. We raise our voices here to say:
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America.
The hour is late. If we do not intervene now, we cannot ask how the German people accepted the horrors of the Nazi regime. What we allow is not just what we condone…it is what we become.
No longer will we stand aside while this regime shreds the rule of law. No more moving the goalpost of what we will tolerate or retreating into our private lives as the regime fills concentration camps at the border, cages immigrant children, bans Muslims, and threatens whole countries with fire and fury. We will not allow LGBTQ people to be slammed back into the closet and women to lose the right to abortion and birth control.
It is long past time we cast aside illusions and self-delusion. For years people have waited—for the Blue Wave, for Mueller, for impeachment. But the normal channels turn into dead ends as the regime shreds norms and changes the rules.
The Democratic Party cannot be relied on to stop this nightmare. Trump
has branded them as enemies and “traitors,” rallying crowds to “lock them up.” Yet, the Democrats have repeatedly jumped to work with Trump when he let them, normalizing what should only be opposed. When they finally moved to impeach, it was on the real, compelling but narrow grounds of cheating on elections, but not the full crimes of the Trump/Pence program. They have not called forth the one force that could change the whole political equation—the power of the people in the streets—and they’ve refused to say publicly what many of them know in private, that Trump is a fascist.
Let us not hope against facts that the 2020 election—the same election that Trump was on trial for sabotaging—is enough to resolve this crisis. What will we do if Trump wins, or loses and refuses to step down? What damage will the fascist forces he has unleashed continue to inflict even if he does lose and leaves vengeful? No election, fair or fraudulent, can legitimize what has been normalized over the last three years.
The hour is late, but we can look to the people around the world who have taken to the streets in sustained, non-violent mass protest to drive out hated regimes and win a chance to shape their own destinies. The eyes of the world are on us now. They want to see whose side we are on. Will we capitulate to this regime with our silence and passivity, or resist every injustice of this regime and act decisively to knock it off its collision course with humanity?
There is a way to stop this. We will follow our conscience, sound the alarm, and organize so that it becomes possible for thousands to take to the streets across the country in non-violent sustained mass protest demanding Trump and Pence Out Now, growing to millions, and staying in the streets until our demand is met. This is not the easy road, it requires sacrifice, yet our actions will reflect our love for humanity, in stark contrast to the hate and bigotry of the Trump/Pence fascist regime, and create a serious political crisis for the ruling powers, leading to a situation where this illegitimate regime is removed from power.
WE MUST ACT to make this real. The hour is late, but it is not yet too late.
WE PLEDGE that we will not stand aside while there is still a chance to stop a regime that imperils humanity and the earth itself.
WE COME FROM DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES, but united in our determination,
In the Name of Humanity,
We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America.
This Nightmare Must End:
Sign and share this Statement of Conscience; Call to Act
Volunteer to work with Refuse Fascism to build the movement demanding the removal of the whole Trump/Pence regime.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Received from Revolution Club Chicago
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Received from Revolution Club Chicago
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Received from revcom/Revolution
Announcing… Next Phase of the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour
The Tour will be coming out with an announcement on Facebook Live on
Wednesday February 19, 9:30 pm EST
Tune in and DONATE!
| revcom.us
It is with great excitement, deep concern for humanity, and a scientifically grounded sense of hope in real-world possibility of a better future, that we announce and invite you to become part of the next phase of the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour. Starting in 2019 this Tour has gone to different parts of the country, boldly bringing people a real sense that we don’t have to accept and live in the kind of world people in this country and around the world are trapped in, with no sense or hope that there is a whole different and better way the world could be.
This Tour has brought together a group of revolutionaries, grounded in the leadership of Bob Avakian who has forged and applied the science of the NEW Communism to lay bare the very core workings of this system, why it cannot be reformed and must be overthrown, how that can be done, and how we can build a new society on the road to ending all oppression and emancipating humanity. We have worked to put this leadership and this revolution on the map in this country, up against the notion that there is no alternative, or that the best we can hope for is another politician promising change within the system, or that we should really just “change ourselves” and make a better life for some people in this parasitic country. We set out to challenge and inspire many thousands not only to hope for but to get organized as part of this revolution to change everything. We have learned important lessons about how to do this, but we have only begun to unearth the potential that must be tapped. We have new bold plans and ways to go at this.
Facing a new year that promises even more unpredictable upheaval and dangerous twists and turns for humanity… will this way out become a force that people can learn about, and become part of making real? This is the challenge, the mission and goal, that we are determined to meet, and we call on everyone who is inspired by this to take up this challenge as well.
As Bob Avakian has said:
There is an urgent need for this new synthesis to be taken up, broadly, in this society and in the world as a whole: everywhere people are questioning why things are the way they are, and whether a different world is possible; everywhere people are talking about “revolution” but have no real understanding of what revolution means, no scientific approach to analyzing and dealing with what they are up against and what needs to be done; everywhere people are rising up in rebellion but are hemmed in, let down and left to the mercy of murderous oppressors, or misled onto paths which only reinforce, often with barbaric brutality, the enslaving chains of tradition; everywhere people need a way out of their desperate conditions, but do not see the source of their suffering and the path forward out of the darkness.
A Better World Is Needed… A Better World Is POSSIBLE
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Click to read and download (PDF) |
All those who yearn for a better world, are needed to actively work on and contribute to this process with all we’ve got in order to accomplish that. Leaps need to be made in spreading the word that because of the work and leadership Bob Avakian has been providing there is an actual alternative… REAL hope for humanity, on a scientific basis. This is something that people need to know about, debate, and to actively take up, working together as part of a national movement. And the more that people are acting together to impact society with this revolution, even starting off small, the more that this hope can be brought to life for many more people, even those who start off “not wanting to hear it,” and open up ways to involve more people in having greater impact, all aiming to get the kind of process going that can lead to organizing the thousands. People need to know about this and see that there is a force being brought together and organized that represents for this, awakening more people and opening doors for them to find a way into the revolution. This will be projected out into society on a whole other level with a web presence, that will in turn have a qualitatively greater impact on the political terrain—influencing what people are thinking and talking about in the midst of a very tumultuous situation humanity is facing. In order to do this we are going to be concentrating forces in the greater Los Angeles area in this next period to be able to make this kind of dynamic breakthrough.
All of this is only possible, of course, if many people are involved and struggle for it. Some of us will be part of the dedicated cores working tirelessly every day for revolution, some will be part of the revolution clubs and other organized networks that can act together at decisive times to impact a situation, and all of us need to be part of the networks raising the funds and gather other logistical support for the revolution.
We are calling on you to step into this now by not only giving significant funds, but by becoming a regular part of the work of this Tour. That means committing in different ways to donate and raise funds, to support and bring others to support what can really be opened up if the work of this Tour can actually have a greater footprint in society right now. There are many ways that people can contribute, but many thousands of people need to be drawn into contributing financially and giving their time and resources to make this happen.
To be specific:
We need $50,000 by the end of March, just to get started with this next phase of the Tour. But we are going to need at least $500,000 between now and the end of the summer to make possible all that we have envisioned here.
Below are three elements which are key to accomplishing the objectives of the Tour:
1) $30,000 in starting funds are needed to bring the volunteer cohort to L.A. in March, and further funds and ongoing sustainers will be needed every month.The people making up the cohort who are dedicating themselves to do this on this Tour are key to initiating the kind of process that can get to the point where thousands are working together in an organized way, and they need to be sustained. The people on this Tour need to eat, to have housing, to be able to cover transportation needs, to keep the phones on... and that alone costs thousands. Funding is also needed for the daily activities of the Tour. Everything from printing fliers, promotional cards, books, shirts, stickers, posters, permits, meeting and event spaces, public address/sound systems, audio/visual equipment.2) We are putting together a National Web Team! A major way in which we can and need to transform how we are impacting and organizing broadly for revolution is through a whole new approach to our web presence. This will involve and require funds for updating our web infrastructure and platform, equipment for multimedia, social media, and livestreaming capacity, and more.3) A National Fundraising Team. To build the movement for revolution, major funds are needed, and working together to involve people in raising funds is part of building the movement for revolution! Nationally coordinated fundraising periods and goals, effectively communicating and sharing decentralized experiences in raising funds, identifying key fundraising needs and crucial junctures, and continuing to engage networks of people who are contributing funds and raising funds.
Spread the word about the Facebook Live event. Make plans to pledge and send in funds to reach a goal of $10,000 by February 20.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Received from Refuse Fascism Chicago
Sunday, February 23, 2 pm to 5 pm
Open Meeting: Organizing to Stop the Trump/Pence Regime Post-Acquittal
About Face Theatre Offices, 5252 N. Broadway, Chicago
Facebook event to join, invite, share
This is an emergency. Since his acquittal in a sham trial, Trump has been taking revenge, and every move he and his regime make has been another major step in consolidating fascism. Just look at the list and the devastating impact here: Trump's Post-Acquittal Revenge (RefuseFascism.org).
No one is coming to stop them, elections are nine months away, and experts on fascism are warning that the possibility Trump will interfere in or not recognize elections he loses is great, and growing. See 'There Need to Be Mass Protests:' Authoritarianism experts say time is running out for Americans to stop Trump (Business Insider).
Waiting while the rule of law, science and the environment, immigrants and Muslims, and our very humanity are trampled would be deadly. What we allow is not just what we condone--it's what we become. (Sarah Roark, Refuse Fascism editorial board)
JOIN US on Sunday afternoon, February 23, for an important national webinar followed by local discussion and planning. Save the date; invite friends, email us your thoughts and concerns. More details to come; follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@RefuseFascismCH), and text NOTRUMP to 33222 for text alerts.
Donations are still urgently needed to defray the expenses of volunteers who put their lives on hold to demand Trump & Pence #OutNOW in DC during the sham trial so please donate whatever amount you can; it all matters and it is all greatly appreciated!
Open Meeting: Organizing to Stop the Trump/Pence Regime Post-Acquittal
About Face Theatre Offices, 5252 N. Broadway, Chicago
Facebook event to join, invite, share
This is an emergency. Since his acquittal in a sham trial, Trump has been taking revenge, and every move he and his regime make has been another major step in consolidating fascism. Just look at the list and the devastating impact here: Trump's Post-Acquittal Revenge (RefuseFascism.org).
No one is coming to stop them, elections are nine months away, and experts on fascism are warning that the possibility Trump will interfere in or not recognize elections he loses is great, and growing. See 'There Need to Be Mass Protests:' Authoritarianism experts say time is running out for Americans to stop Trump (Business Insider).
Waiting while the rule of law, science and the environment, immigrants and Muslims, and our very humanity are trampled would be deadly. What we allow is not just what we condone--it's what we become. (Sarah Roark, Refuse Fascism editorial board)
JOIN US on Sunday afternoon, February 23, for an important national webinar followed by local discussion and planning. Save the date; invite friends, email us your thoughts and concerns. More details to come; follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@RefuseFascismCH), and text NOTRUMP to 33222 for text alerts.
Donations are still urgently needed to defray the expenses of volunteers who put their lives on hold to demand Trump & Pence #OutNOW in DC during the sham trial so please donate whatever amount you can; it all matters and it is all greatly appreciated!
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Received from Refuse Fascism Chicago
Reject the Coverup -
Trump/Pence #OutNOW! Contingent
In the sham Senate impeachment trial, the message from Senate Republicans and Trump’s defense team is clear. No witnesses, no documents, and no stopping Trump from doing anything he wants, as long as he thinks it’s in the “public interest.” Many of them have even dispensed with denying Trump’s guilt, but say he still should not be removed, essentially declaring that truth is irrelevant and right doesn’t matter. Moreover, Lamar Alexander’s warning that Trump’s removal would “rip the country apart,” in conjunction with the convergence of 22,000 armed “gun-rights” protesters on the Virginia capitol on MLK Day, and 100,000 attending a march to end abortion that was presided over by Trump himself, raises the spectre of Trump’s fascist base which is energized and determined to bring about their vision for the future, even through the threat of violence and civil war.
They have brazenly told us that the normal channels, including the process of impeachment, cannot rein in a president and regime that is slashing through those norms and emerging victorious from every crisis. They have validated Trump to steal the next election. Without a third force, the people in the streets in sustained, non-violent mass protest, a fascist regime will barrel ahead to rule with even more brute force and terror.
Fascism has been unfolding, but it has made a major leap through this
sham trial. With Trump’s acquittal on the horizon, the Muslim Ban has been expanded to include six more countries, signaling that the whole fascist program will go forward with even more vengeance and entitlement. Concentration camps on the border… environmental devastation accelerated… war, even nuclear war, threatened… white supremacist rule… fascist mobs and racist mass murderers… truth and science erased… the right to abortion near gone… the rule of law and democratic and civil rights stripped away…All this and more will be accelerated and locked in if Trump is acquitted in a sham trial, and all the more so if this goes down without mass resistance from the people.
sham trial. With Trump’s acquittal on the horizon, the Muslim Ban has been expanded to include six more countries, signaling that the whole fascist program will go forward with even more vengeance and entitlement. Concentration camps on the border… environmental devastation accelerated… war, even nuclear war, threatened… white supremacist rule… fascist mobs and racist mass murderers… truth and science erased… the right to abortion near gone… the rule of law and democratic and civil rights stripped away…All this and more will be accelerated and locked in if Trump is acquitted in a sham trial, and all the more so if this goes down without mass resistance from the people.
Stop being a spectator. Show up now – when it counts!
Trump’s acquittal in a “trial” with no witnesses, no evidence, will be a crime on top of a crime! All over the world people have shown us that hated regimes can be forced out through mass sustained, non-violent protest. It’s time to get serious and get organized to build the kind of determined struggle from below that refuses to stop until the whole fascist Trump/Pence regime is removed from power.

But what people do—what YOU do—in the next few days will matter greatly to the future. It will make a huge difference whether people in their masses continue to sit passively, either absorbing themselves in the elections as a substitute for action or sit on their couches despairing for the future, or whether there is serious protest in the streets saying NO! and declaring determination to fight on, truly resist, and ultimately drive this regime out. It will raise a standard and challenge the tens of millions who do hate this regime but as yet do nothing, and it will give hope to those here and around the world who suffer its grave attacks and terrible injustices.
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!
facebook & IG @RefuseFascismChicao Twitter: @RefuseFascismCH
RefuseFascism.org | @RefuseFascism | 917-407-1286
RefuseFascism.org | @RefuseFascism | 917-407-1286
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