Saturday, April 25, 2020

Received from The Revcoms

Premieres  Saturday, April 25 on 7pm CDT
Special 2-Part Episode 5 of 

The Revolution, Nothing Less Show:
Trump’s Fascist Power Grabs, COVID-19 and Capitalism-Imperialism

On Episode 5, Part 2:

  • Andy Zee will speak with Raymond Lotta, fellow spokesperson for Revolution Books NYC, about how the
  • system of capitalism-imperialism sabotages humanity’s ability to come together to solve international crisis
  • and pandemics like the Covid-19 pandemic and why only revolution can fundamentally resolve this problem.
Subscribe to the YouTube channel, leave a comment, and
spread the word all over social media to help extend the
reach of The RNL Show — Revolution, Nothing Less!
Part 1 Available now on
On Episode 5, Part 1:
  • Sunsara Taylor will talk with Coco Das of the Editorial Board about the Trump/Pence regime’s fascist power grabs, the MAGA fascists marching in the streets, and the much-needed mission of to drive out the Trump/Pence regime through mass, sustained, nonviolent protest.
  • Watch a clip from the Q&A that followed Bob Avakian’s speech called Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. In this question, someone asks Avakian about there seeming to be a coming civil war between the Democrats and Republicans.
Stop Mass Incarceration Network - Chicago

Monday, April 20, 2020

April 21, 5 pm PDT/8 pm EDT

Announcing a National Revolution Tour Livestream—Discussion, Report Back and Fundraiser

Hear from members of the National Tour to Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution and be part of contributing and raising funds to make this Tour possible.
A deadly pandemic is ravaging the world, laying bare a system of brutal inequalities. We face the dangers from this virus, and the even more immediate danger of this fascist regime. And we face the more fundamental problem of the capitalist-imperialist system—a system which in “normal times” keeps billions locked into the most desperate conditions. The National Revolution Tour, basing itself on the new communism developed by Bob Avakian, is organizing forces for an actual revolution to overthrow this system that enforces this madness. And we are finding the ways to do this—and to actually advance in doing this—during the midst of this pandemic.
Tune in to this livestream to learn about and support the work of the Tour:
  • hear a discussion of a new wave of recent articles written by Bob Avakian speaking to some of the sharpest and most urgent questions facing people today and providing needed leadership in a historic moment—why this matters, and the impact it could have if this work reached throughout society.
  • hear from the creators and co-hosts of the new YouTube show, The RNL Show—Revolution, Nothing Less!. This show is bringing a revolutionary breath of fresh air into the debate, engaging and applying the new communism: a scientific framework for human emancipation.
  • hear firsthand from people who are spreading the truth about this pandemic in Communiqués through the neighborhoods of Los Angeles and on social media, who are organizing students and others through conference calls and on social media.
None of the work is possible without your financial support. In fact, right now your support is urgently required—indeed, for the sake of a future worth living, there is nowhere more important that it could go!
If you’ve donated in the past, now is a time not just to renew your contribution, but to reach out very broadly—in a moment of crisis, when people are questioning why the world is this way and what has to be done about it.
Spread the word and tune in!

Ways to Donate:

  • The National Revolution Tour now has Venmo: “@RevolutionTour”
  • Write in to getorganizedforrevolutiontour (at), let us know if you are taking up collections, or to send statements
  • Or call (323) 245-6947
  • Or send a check or money order, payable to RCP Publications and earmark it for National Revolution Tour. Mail to:
    • RCP Publications
      Box 3486, Merchandise Mart
      Chicago, IL 60654-0486

Episode 3 of The RNL Show—Revolution, Nothing Less! is now available on YouTube. Featuring: COVID-19 and prisoners; Bob Avakian's advance of the science for an actual revolution; and an update from Dr. Phil Rice, Chair of Emergency Medicine at North Shore Medical Center in Salem, Massachusetts.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Received by The Revcoms Youtube Channel

Episode 3 of The Revolution, Nothing Less Show: Science and the New Communism, Prisons and COVID-19

On this episode:

— A look inside the prisons where 2.3 million are trapped without protection from COVID-19. Sunsara Taylor will talk with a member of the Chicago Revolution Club about the protest they led outside Cook County Jail and his own experience behind bars.

— Why is a scientific approach necessary to get to a world without oppression and how has Bob Avakian advanced the science of revolution? Andy Zee will share an excerpt from Bob Avakian’s presentation at a dialogue between him and Cornel West called Revolution and Religion: The Fight for Emancipation and the Role of Religion and then dig into these questions with Luan Xocoyote and other members of the National Revolution Tour.

— Finally, Dr. Phil Rice, Chair of Emergency Medicine at North Shore Medical Center in Salem, Massachusetts, will return (from Episode 1) to give an update on the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on how this pandemic is ravaging the Black and Brown communities at disproportionate rates.

Subscribe to the channel and hit the bell so you can be notified when the next episode is posted.

The RNL Show is a new weekly YouTube show rooted in the new communism forged by the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian. It launched on Thursday, March 26. It's hosted by Andy Zee along with other members of the Revolution Tour. The world is a nightmare for the masses of people worldwide, but it doesn’t have to be. Revolution and a whole better world IS possible.

Click the picture above to watch the second episode, subscribe to the YouTube channel, leave a comment, and spread the word all over social media to help extend the reach of this new show.
Become a patron of The RNL Show on patreon
In case you missed it, on the first RNL show, listen to this special broadcast of "We Only Want the World" on Tuesday on WBAI Radio in NYC and WPFW in Wash, DC:

Coronavirus: Natural Disease, Man-made Catastrophe Featuring   interview from The RNL show, with Dr. Phil Rice, Chair of Emergency Medicine at North Shore Medical Center, Salem Massachusetts, who was on the front lines treating coronavirus until he became infected and is now in quarantine.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Received from Refuse Fascism

SUNDAY 4/5 5pm cdt. 
Tune in on Facebook Live 

with Coco Das from the Editorial Board on the urgent need for resistance in the name of humanity and the immediate removal of this regime.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Received from

The RNL Show—Revolution, Nothing Less!

Tune in to Episode 2 — Thursday, April 2, 9pm cst 

The RNL Show is a new weekly YouTube show rooted in the new communism forged by the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian that launched on Thursday, March 26. It is hosted by Andy Zee along with other members of the Revolution Tour. The world is a nightmare for the masses of people worldwide, but it doesn’t have to be. Revolution and a whole better world IS possible.

Thanks to everyone who tuned to the premier of the Revolution Nothing Less show. It was a great first episode! There were a few technical glitches, but we're just getting started and these things will be smoothed out going forward. This version will be repaired and replaced soon, but in the meantime you can catch it here. Comment with your thoughts. Share it with friends. Subscribe to the channel. Let's grow this community.

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