Saturday, December 31, 2022

Received from the RevComs

Click to donate
Here is the latest update from the drive to raise $35,000 as a first step in raising  the funds needed to put revolution on the map in 2023. It poses a matching challenge from some people on the staff of the  website.
A group of people on the staff of  write that they are “excited and proud to be part of accelerating the movement for liberating fundamental change, for a real revolution to cast off the system that is hurtling humanity towards the brink.”
They have collected $1,000 for the  fund drive to put revolution on the map in 2023 . They will contribute that as soon as it is matched by other donations. They write that “In the spirit of 10x10 (donating ourselves and challenging others to donate as well), we are reaching out to and struggling with family, friends, and anyone reading this to donate to match this effort—putting Bob Avakian’s new ‘game changing’ set of interviews, the website , the RNL show, the comrades on the ground in LA, and the whole revolution BA is leading, on the map in 2023.”
$30,452 raised, $4,548 to go by January 2

Monday, December 26, 2022

Received from the RevComs

Now is the time to make your contribution!
Now is the time to go all out to make the goal!
$35,000 by January 2
First Step to Raise $100,000
to Put Revolution on the Map in 2023
Donations in any amount – large or small – make a world of difference.

In a moment of great peril for humanity and the planet, what could be more important than to donate to a movement for revolution which aims to bring about a whole new world without exploitation or oppression of any kind?

Give generously now. Encourage others to donate.
Spread the word and join:
Fund Drive Livestream, January 8  – 5 pm EST, 4 pm CST, 2 pm PST

$20,958 raised, $14,042 to go by January 2
$20,958 raised as of December 24
Revolution Club, LA, taking the only way out of this madness, a REAL REVOLUTION, to Los Angeles Juvenile Facility

Watch the Bob Avakian Interviews  HERE  (Parts 1, 2, and 3)

A leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance:
Up Close and Personal With Bob Avakian
Heart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Received from Revolution Club Chicago

A “10x10” Appeal from the Revolution Club, Chicago

Be part of the holiday fund drive to raise $35,000 by January 2—to put REAL Revolution on the map! Be part of building up the organized forces for the revolution! 

♦ Gather friends and family to watch the Interviews with Bob Avakian and ask them to donate toward promotion so that lots and lots more people will be able to see them. Donations will also support the National Revolution Tour in Los Angeles and the website.

The Revolution Club, Chicago, has set a goal of raising $1,000 through what we are calling the “10x10” as part of meeting the $35,000 goal by January 2nd for the revcoms' fund drive. We are reaching out to people to themselves donate $10 and to commit to reach nine more people to do the same.

We call on people who are able to donate $100 or more to this fund drive to match these donations. This is not only a way of raising much needed funds, but is also building a critical component of the movement to put this revolution on the map. It lets people who this system has surrounded, isolated and driven down know that they are not alone. And it lets others know that there is a growing core of emancipators of humanity among those on the bottom of society. Please join us in making this “match.” Donate generously before the end of the year. 

Here are some statements from people who have taken up the 10x10:

"As long as they keep killing our kids, we have to keep fighting. We can't give up. We have to raise money because without the revolutionary club there is no one there to fight for us."

—Panzy Edwards, mother of Dakota Bright, murdered by Chicago police


"This system is not working. We need new ideas."

—A friend of the Revolution Club who watched all three interviews with Bob Avakian


"I just have to dig deep into my why: Because the revolutionary club is my friend and when a friend is in need you should be there."

—A local business owner who was shot and blinded on the streets of Chicago. He is a friend of the Revolution ClubThe Reason Why I’m donating is because BA (Bob Avakian) is a true Leader—a Leader who is trying to push forward To End the Horrors of this System. There’s no other leader like him. The other reason I’m donating is because it’s Time to get Organized For an Actual Revolution to end all Oppression and Depression—A member of the Revolution Club

Four people so far have decided to match the 10x10 with individual contributions of $100.Think about the following statements from people who have contributed $100 in response the 10x10 appeal. Then consider why you should contribute to building up the organized forces for the revolution!. 

 "The Bob Avakian interviews are a synopsis and the highest level of understanding of how to make revolution achieved by mankind. Anyone who wants revolutionary change in this world should study these interviews and actively promote it to other others."-- A $100 donor


"What struck me since I watched Bob Avakian's interview was what he said about how women go through so much abuse and brutality. How they really go through so much different stuff, like he said that they can't even walk down the street without hearing all the whistles from the guys. That they have to worry about their safety just to walk down the street. Getting raped. And all they have to go through. I guess I knew this before but it's deeper now that I watched Bob Avakian. It keeps going through my mind. I just keep thinking about what he said about how women have to go through all this!

I really like what Bob Avakian is saying to us all. And that's why I want to do this."

--A retired railroad worker into community arts.

In a Time When the Future Hangs in the BalanceWhen Solutions Offered End Up with the Horrors Going On and On…There Is Hope, and a Roadmap to the Emancipation of HumanityDONATE GENEROUSLY to make this hope a reality >>New Leaflet for the Fund Drive:JOIN THE LIVESTREAM January 8 >>

Watch the Bob Avakian Interviews 
 (Parts 1, 2, and 3)A leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance:Up Close and Personal With Bob AvakianHeart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Received from the Revcoms

Bob Avakian speaks to those who live life on the desperate edge and members of the Revolution Club of Chicago respond
Click here to watch video

In the new 3-part interview, "A leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance: Up Close and Personal With Bob Avakian, Heart & Soul and Hard-Core For Revolution, " Bob Avakian (BA) is asked: “What’s your message to those catching the worst hell, including the youth who right now have their guns pointed at each other, about their role in the revolution?”  From a deeply personal and a deeply scientific perspective, BA answers by speaking directly to the youth who live life on the desperate edge.

Watch this video of Chicago Revolution Club members reaction to Avakian speaking to why he’s convinced of the revolutionary potential of the hard core youth. They talk about losing family members caught up in the street life, then speak about how the hard core, oppressed youth can transform and become revolutionary fighters and leaders, and about the kind of hard struggle needed to make this happen. Then get into the full Bob Avakian interviews (linked at the end of email). 

Revolution Club Chicago invitesYou 

312-804-9121 @revclubchi

Will you give generously to something that can make all the difference—a major fund drive to put real revolution on the map?

Goal: $35,000 by January 2, 2023
Watch the Bob Avakian Interviews HERE (Parts 1, 2, and 3)A leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance:Up Close and Personal With Bob AvakianHeart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution

Click here to watch part 1
click here to watch part 2
Click here to watch part 3
The RNL - Revolution, Nothing Less! - Show

Every Thursday night at5pm Pacific - 7pm Central - 8pm Eastern is nothing like this show on the internet.Watch it together with others. Spread it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Received from Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights Chicago

December 1 Protest Outside of Courthouses 4 Legal Abortion Nationwide!

Thursday, December 01, 2022 • 4:00 PM

Federal Plaza (across from the Fed. Courthouse)
219 S Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL

click here to register for the event

December 1 is the first anniversary of the Supreme Court hearing in Dobbs v Jackson, the case the Christian fascist super-majority on the court used to overturn Roe v Wade. Remember the shock and horror you felt that day? The disbelief that this could actually happen? That young women and girls today now face a world much worse than what their mothers and grandmothers faced, unable to control when and if to have children? You were right to feel that way! The ugly, deadly reality of this robbery is evident all around us (Abortion Emergency Fact Sheet), but too many are turning away, or believing the stories that somehow we're "winning" because more Democrats were elected in the midterms than expected. Did we?

Joe Biden announced right after the election that the Democrats weren't going to do anything for abortion rights, after telling us that only by voting for Democrats were our rights safe! The cynicism is breathtaking and deadly, as women face increasing difficulty in accessing health care even beyond abortion. (For more on that, don't miss the latest episode of the Refuse Fascism podcast, "The Aftermath of the Midterms," with Coco Das and Paul Street.)

Do not believe Democrats who say that the Biden administration is doing all it can to protect abortion! We are not policy wonks but here are some obvious first steps:
  • Proclaim abortion access a national health emergency. This was a key demand of AIDS activists in the 1980s, a demand they won. It would empower multiple federal agencies to take nationwide action.
  • Open up federal land across the country to abortion providers and provide protection for them and their patients.
  • Vigorously fight state government efforts to restrict what the United States Post Office can send through the federal mail.
Women in Argentina protesing SCOTUS ruling
We must learn from our sisters in Latin America and build a Green Wave for Abortion Rights for everyone! No one is free when anyone who can get pregnant must fear for their futures or their lives when they face unintended pregnancies. This is not the easy route, but no real progress has ever been made without real struggle, real persistence and yes, sacrifice. Our future and the future of our children is worth it! Join us this
Thursday, Dec. 1, 
starting at 4 pm
Federal Plaza (Adams and Dearborn), Chicago

to declare that we will not accept this illegitimate decision, we will not accept forced motherhood for anyone, anywhere, and we will build the Green Wave everywhere.

In Chicago we will manifest in green and rally at Federal Plaza, across the street from the Federal Courthouse, at 4 pm and march starting around 5 pm. Learning from our sisters in Latin America, we will rely on ourselves to rise up in a Green Wave for legal abortion on demand and without apology everywhere. We will declare that this is a marathon, not a sprint, and we are running to win: Legal Abortion Without Apology Nationwide!

Share this on social media and reach out to RiseUp4AbortionRights Chicago here to be more involved!

Friday, November 25, 2022

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