Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Recieved from the RevComs

$100,000 to Put REAL Revolution on the Map in 2023
DONATE — Join the Livestream — Help Meet the Goal!
Sunday, February 19, 2pm PST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST
New leaflet — Spread the word! (CLICK to DOWNLOAD)

Raised as of January 20: $62,282. Goal: $100,000.

Climate destruction... the threat of nuclear war... police murder of Black and Brown people... patriarchal violence... inhuman attacks on immigrants… If you care — and you do: There is the possibility of wrenching a positive emancipating future out of the existential crises, the madness of today. At a time when revolution really could be possible.
We are determined to put revolution on the map in this country in 2023 in a way it has not been for a long, long time, if ever.
In his three interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show, the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA), makes the case for why the times themselves cry out for revolution. BA breaks down what the revolution is all about, and why and how it is possible. In the interviews, people get to know this leader, and BA tells how he came to recognize and fill a great need—charting a course for a real revolution here in the most powerful country in history and developing a new framework for the emancipation of humanity which we call the new communism.
What could be more important than to donate to a movement for revolution which aims to bring about a whole new world without exploitation or oppression of any kind?
Your donation will:
>> Promote the Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL Show (voice of the Revcoms) opening a doorway into the revolution for thousands, potentially millions. Expand the audience of The RNL Show.
>> Produce the website, where you get unique analysis of major events and trends, learn about the revolution and how to be part of it, and find the major works of Bob Avakian.
>> Support the revolutionary leaders and committed young revolutionaries in Los Angeles who are developing a model of putting revolution on the map that can be replicated and grow nationally.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Please join us on  to stand in solidarity with everyone demanding

Abortion On Demand and Without Apology, Nationwide, Everywhere!    

Sunday, January 22, 11am 
Library Mall State &Lake St. Madison

Sponsored by MARRCH, Madion Abortion & Reproductive Rights Coalition for Health Care 

Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights Chicago supports the rally and urges everyone who can to attend. Look for our green banner, "Legal Abortion Nationwide Now!" and get green bandannas, buttons and stickers to build this movement wherever you are. 

More information available here on Facebook.

The fiftieth anniversary of Roe v Wade approaches this Sunday we must face the grim, deadly reality of what its overturning has meant for women, girls and anyone who can become pregnant: Millions have already lost access to abortion in a dozen states, with more to follow, and all women and girls are relegated to second class status across the country.

The right to control our reproduction is not a "state's rights" issue No human being's rights are negotiable, or they are no longer rights! While each attack needs to be opposed, we will not give ground, let alone accept and normalize such degraded status, whether it comes from abortion opponents or "friends" who try to limit our sights to the "politics of the possible" in a time of fascist ascendancy.

The dire situation in Wisconsin is a case in point. When Roe fell, a law banning abortion dating from 1849 took immediate effect, and abortion clinics closed across the state. How telling that a law dating from the era of chattel lavery now forces motherhood, a form of female enslavement, on anyone who becomes pregnant in that state. Wisconsin is also one of the most extremely gerrymandered states in the country, where Democrats routinely win more votes and yet, Republican fascists significantly outnumber them in the legislature. Now, a seat on the state supreme court has become vacant, and abortion advocates are mobilizing to elect a pro-abortion judge to fill it. This is outrageous that the future of our siblings in Wisconsin is to be put up to a vote!

Please join us on Sunday, January 22, to stand in solidarity with everyone demanding their right to Abortion on Demand and Without Apology, Nationwide, Everywhere!


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Received from The RevComs

$100,000 Fund Drive to Put Revolution on the Map in 2023!

$21,923 raised at the Jan. 8 Livestream!
Great thanks to all who donated to meet and exceed the Livestream's $20,000 goal.

$60,607 Raised of the $100,00 Goal!!

Watch the livestream that aired January 8  here:


Thursday night, January 12

Watch the premiere of Season 4
5pm Pacific, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern

Watch the Bob Avakian Interviews  HERE  (Parts 1, 2, and 3)
A leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance:
Up Close and Personal With Bob Avakian
Heart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Join the Livestream Sunday, January 8
$100,000 Fund Drive to Put Revolution on the Map in 2023!
$37,313 Raised by January 2—Help Raise $20,000 More Towards the Goal
Excerpt of a statement from a donor commenting on the Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show:
I believe that these interview videos can appeal, on various levels, to a fairly wide audience. We should go out rather broadly with them to lots of strata, even people who have been solidly in the liberal camp, but whose confidence has been shaken lately as to whether the system can survive amid the crisis and reaction they are witnessing.
In other words, BA's message can now strike home in places where it might not have even been given a hearing five years ago.
Spread the word!  Gather everyone who can be won to be part of this fund drive and tune in!
Fund Drive Livestream, January 8 – 2 pm PST, 4 pm CST, 5 pm EST
                                                          raised as of
                                                          January 5
Watch the Bob Avakian Interviews  HERE  (Parts 1, 2, and 3)
A leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance:
Up Close and Personal With Bob Avakian
Heart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution
Stay connected...

Thursday, January 5, 2023

 Sunday, January 8th, 4pm CST

Watch the Livestream to raise $100,000

to put Revolution on the Map

Meet revolutionaries on the ground putting revolution on the map. Hear what people are doing to get the Interviews with Bob Avakian on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less—Show out into the world.

Find out what plans are being made to take the movement for revolution to a much higher level of impact and growth in this rare and extremely crucial time.

And how YOU can be part of all this, including helping to raise the needed funds.


Gather everyone who is or can be won to be part of this fund drive and tune in!

Spread the word and join: Fund Drive Livestream, January 8—5 pm EST, 4 pm CST, 2 pm PST

Read more: Editorial: Sunday, January 8, 2023: Livestream Fundraiser, A FIRST BIG STEP IN PUTTING REVOLUTION ON THE MAP IN 2023

Click to donate

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