Sunday, April 23, 2023

Recieved from Revolution Club Chicago

From a donor:
“Come on people, the system is broke and needs to be replaced NOW!! That is why we go in the streets at rallies this International May Day. Make a donation, educate yourselves and read the new plan that Bob Avakian wrote about how we can organize for revolution, by watching The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on YouTube, and by going to the website It is a plan that will work and needs to be organized for NOW!!”
Be a part of putting revolution on the map this May 1st –
Watch the Bob Avakian Interviews HERE (Parts 1, 2, and 3)
A leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance:
Up Close and Personal With Bob Avakian
Heart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution
3 Reasons to Watch the Bob Avakian Interviews

  • You’ll Come to Know the Humanity of a Rare and Unique Revolutionary Leader
  • You’ll Hear About the Danger—and the Great Potential—of the Times We’re Going Through Now, and How an Emancipatory Future Could Be Wrenched Out of These Times
  • You’ll Be Challenged to Look at Almost Everything Anew
Stay connected...

Saturday, April 8, 2023

From RiseUp4AbortionRights Chicago:

 🚨 Emergency Action Today🚨

Press conference & rally: 
Today, Saturday April 8, 2 pm
Federal Plaza, Chicago 

The ruling banning mifepristone is outrageous and illegitimate. Medication abortion is safe, effective & used in majority of abortions. 

Silence = complicity.

Legal Abortion on Demand and Without Apology! 
Forced Motherhood is Female Enslavement! 
Act your rage! 
Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights 💚✊

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Received from Revolution Club Chicago

Join us This Saturday

April 8th at 3pm at

Revolution Club Organizing

1857 E 71st Street,Chicago

DM us at @revclubchi


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