Revolution Club Chicago’s response to the denial to march in the Bud Billekin Parade 2023 by Chicago Defender Charities
To: Chicago Defender Charities Board
From: Revolution Club Chicago
In June you approved our presence in the Bud Billiken Parade. Last week when we were about to learn our position in the parade, we were told you decided we were no longer welcome in the parade-- that our presence was not suitable for a back to school parade and would make your relations with CPD difficult because the revolutionaries tore an American flag.
It’s true that police were offended while the response of the crowd was positive. That flag is a symbol of slavery, genocide, and war. Jill Scott the music artist understands this and recently did her own rendition of the star spangled banner that brought to life the actual meaning of the flag:
“Oh, say, can you see, by the blood in the streets, that this place doesn’t smile on you, colored child. Whose blood built this place with sweat and their hands. But you’ll die in this place and your memory erased.”
Do you officials of the Bud Billiken parade really want to allow the police to censor the parade and dictate what can and cannot be said about the "land of the thief and home of the slave?" Do you really want to do the dirty work oft he CPD, who murdered Darius Pinex, Michael Westley, Dakota Bright, Harith Augustus, Laquan MacDonald, Adam Toledo, Reginald Clay, and so many others?
Affirmative action is gone, voting rights are being violated and that is just the beginning. Masses of people FOUGHT for these rights. We intend to defend the rights people have won and still have right now while we organize people for a revolution that would bring in a whole new dimension of freedom and rights of the people. What you are keeping out of the parade is precisely what schoolchildren need to be exposed to -- the reality of this country and the way to get free, through revolution.
Right now is a time when the fascists like the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis are white washing the true horror that Black people have suffered from slavery up to today. DeSantis recently said that Black people benefitted from slavery. He wants this outrageous lie in school books!
This white washing is being taken up by other states. And don’t think for a minute that they won’t try that here despite Governor Pritzker signing a law that prohibits book banning. The fascists in and out office have direction and momentum and are determined to pervade every institution, especially education! That momentum is what
was demonstrated by the “thousands of threats received” when the action in question “went viral.” If anything those threats should make you WANT the Revolution Club marching in the parade to show that you will not be intimidated!
Who are these police, anyway? The enforcers of a system of exploitation, degradation, and oppression.
And who is the Revolution Club, the revcoms? People organizing for a revolution to get rid of exploitation, degradation and oppression, and to bring forward the emancipation of humanity. Read We Need And We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, A Fundamentally Different System and see what we're fighting for.
Rescind your decision blocking the Revolution Club from marching in the parade.
Below is the response from the Board of Defender Charities that runs the Bud Billiken Parade
“Hello Revolution Club Chicago
As you may know I spoke to one of your representatives regarding you being declined the opportunity to participate in the Bud Billiken Parade. In the 2019 parade. The Revolution Club of Chicago participated. They were yelling and shouting out to the crowd in an aggressive manner. They were uncooperative and disrespectful when engaging with parade official and organizers. There was an incident on thep arade route were member of The Revolution Club of Chicago encouraged our childrent o rip an American flag. This was captured on video and went viral on the internet. The Chicago Defender Charities received several very real threats from right wings extremist groups to harm those children and to hurt parade participants. Those actions were irresponsible and but thousands of people who participate in our parade in harms way just spread “Your Agenda,” and not the one of the parade or those innocent children. Our decision is specifically based on the behavior of the Revolution Club of Chicago. The Bud Billiken™ Parade is for Parade [sic] is for children. It’s purpose is to provide entertainment and recreation for them and their families. Charities reserves the right to deny permission to participate in the Bud Billiken™ Parade or After Parade Activities to any individual, group, company or organization that does not fully comply with our rules, the mission of this organization.
Inconclusion, the Bud Billiken Parade and Festival is not the time or place for political or social agendas. It’s a celebration of culture a black excellence, and or opportunity to promote education within our community. About 70 % of the organization/Corporations that participate we work with 365 days of the year not just on parade day.
Best regards