Join in a national effort to spread the word about
Bob Avakian on social media!
Hear the truth that BA is bringing.
Spread the word in real life, and online.
As BA says in his first social media post, REVOLUTION — NUMBER ONE:
“...those of you who are not afraid of the truth: get ready for messages coming at you...”
Get people to follow BA on any and all platforms. Dig into serious discussion and debate... and stay tuned!
No experience needed!
The revolutionary leader Bob Avakian is bringing the truth and clarity directly to social media.
In his first ever social media post, Bob Avakian (BA) says:
I'm coming to you straight up bringing truth the powers-that-be don't want you to have, truth you need to know, the truth about the revolution we need: why this revolution is necessary; why and how it is actually possible, and what this revolution is all about...
But too few people know about this, and you can be part of changing this by spreading the word to others! You are needed to be part of going up against “what's popular” in this society... what the social media platforms try to block out and what their algorithms serve to silence.
Reach out to all your friends and followers, ask them to follow Bob Avakian on social media... and ask them to tell all their friends and followers. Plan this ahead of time by DM'ing and texting people you know. Share BA's messages with them, and if they think that others need to hear this, ask them to post about it.
All together, we can reach thousands and tens of thousands—reaching all those “who aren't afraid of the truth,” with the revolutionary messages that Bob Avakian is bringing.
DM @therevcoms or write to with ideas or questions!
Bob Avakian REVOLUTION Number 1
Bob Avakian (BA)introduces himself and the need for a revolution and our responsibility to undertake one
Bob Avakian REVOLUTION Number 2
BA takes apart the notion that monstrously criminal America was ever “great” or is “great now”

Bob Avakian REVOLUTION Number 3
BA digs into how US capitalism-imperialism has long exploited, murdered, and oppressed humanity at home and abroad

Bob Avakian REVOLUTION Number 4
BA argues that the system of capitalism-imperialism is the force behind the ongoing US-backed genocide in Gaza

Bob Avakian REVOLUTON Number 5
BA digs into the tragic historical irony of a Jewish state carrying out racist genocide and apartheid, and how and why “Genocide Joe” Biden, the Democrats, and the whole US ruling class are backing Israel

Bob Avakian REVOLUTON Number 6
BA answers “Well, What Is Israel Supposed to Do, What Is the Legitimate Way to Fight Against the State of Israel and What Is a Just Solution?”

Bob Avakian REVOLUTON Number 7
BA breaks down Israel's special role as a heavily armed Bastion for US imperialism in the strategic Middle East and is a key force in atrocities that maintain US imperialism in many other parts of the world

Stay connected to the RevComs...