Join RevCom Corps Chicago FRIDAY MARCH 8,
3pm State & Jackson
Break The Chains! Unleash The Fury Of Women As A Mighty Force For Revolution!
Come together in fury, defiance and joy to Break ALL the Chains!
Say NO! to the patriarchal degradation, dehumanization, and subjugation of all women everywhere, and all oppression based on gender or sexual orientation!
All this oppression is woven into the system of capitalism-imperialism. The simple truth is: Capitalism and Patriarchy—you can't end one without ending the other.
The liberating truth is this: We can forge a whole new world, of emancipated freely cooperating and flourishing human beings of all genders. That's a scientific fact! But this can only happen with a real revolution. We need and we demand: REVOLUTION, for a whole new way to live and a fundamentally different system.
@revcomcorpschi 312.804.9121 revcomcorps.chi@gmail.com
revcom.us @TheRevComs youtube.com/TheRevComs
Women Are Not Bitches, Ho's, Punching Bags, Sex Objects or Baby-Making Machines!
Women Are Full Human Beings!
Forced Motherhood Is Female Enslavement!
Abortion on Demand and Without Apology!
We Need and We Demand Revolution—A Whole New Way to Live,
A Fundamentally Different System!
From Iran to Latin America to the U.S. and Everywhere on the Planet:
Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution!