Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity Chicago invites you to

A Tour of Chicago's Southside:
From the Deep South to Mass Incarceration
Paul Street will be our tour guide.
Saturday, June 29, 2 pm

Meet at the Dearborn Station, Dearborn and Polk St., Chicago
Your donation will support Revolution Summer 2024

This two-hour tour will take you to sites of hope and despair, resistance and repression. Chicago during and after World War One and for decades afterward was indeed a "Land of Hope" for Black Americans fleeing the Jim Crow South. What they found was a new landscape, and a different form of exploitation, still under the vicious rule of white supremacy.

You'll hear about the industries that welcomed Black men, women and children, usually into the lowest paid, most dangerous positions, ensuring they stayed there by affixing a special mark to their time cards. Meanwhile, real estate and financial forces joined with white neighborhood associations and gangs to segregate Black Chicagoans in impoverished and overcrowded ghetto neighborhoods on the city’s South Side and, after World War II, the West Side. Giant vertical public housing projects were constructed to keep the city’s rising Black population ghettoized. White rage and pogroms were constant threats, and they were met by Black resistance.

You will visit sites that are testament to much of this, and hear the history of Chicago that is systematically ignored, denied and covered up in the rush to celebrate the superficial glitter of Chicago, now a "post-industrial global corporate and financial center" that has no future but jail or prison for generations of Black youth.

This tour will give you the sweep of a century of capitalist economic forces transforming lives, enriching capital, breaking promises in its never-ending search for greater exploitation, and the people's relentless struggle to be free. As Bob Avakian has written, one of three things that has “to happen in order for there to be real and lasting change for the better: People have to fully confront the actual history of this country and its role in the world up to today, and the terrible consequences of this." This tour will pose sharply the question of just what will it take to get free? Revolution, Nothing Less!

Paul Street brings deep engagement with the history of Chicago and the larger political forces in the U.S. to the telling of this history. He is a journalist whose work has been published in CounterPunch, Black Agenda Report, Revolution, TeleSur English and others. He has taught Chicago history at DePaul University and is a former VP for Research at the Chicago Urban League. His books include: Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis, A Living Black Chicago HistoryHollow Resistance: Obama Trump and the Politics of Appeasement; and This Happened Here, Amerikkkaners, Neoliberals and The Trumping of America, among others. Leo Pargo, a leading member of The Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity Chicago, will join Paul on this tour.

Your donation of $75 (Supporter) or $100 (Backbone) will fund the urgent work to put revolution in the air this Revolution Summer 2024, including funding volunteers from around the country coming to Chicago to protest the DNC with the Revcom Corps.

Reserve your spot soon!
Use @RevComCorpsChi on Venmo or $RevComCorpsChi on CashApp.
Please let us know you'll be joining us by an email to

We will travel from Dearborn Station to various locations on the Southside by car, where we will stop for Paul's commentary and Q&A. We also suggest that participants share vehicles as much as possible, so please be prepared to wear a mask in that case. And we'll return to Dearborn Station at the end.

Questions? Contact the RevCom Corps Chicago at or 312 804 9121.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Revolution Summer 2024
June 23: National Fundraising Livestream

Sunday, June 23 2 pm PDT, 4 pm CDT, 5 pm EDT
Tune In To, Contribute, and Raise Funds
The Revcom Corps contingent marching in LA Hands Off Rafah rally, March 2, 2024.

The Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity has issued a bold call and challenge to make the summer of 2024 alive with revolution as things are increasingly coming to a head in this country. To achieve those goals will require the financial support of many hundreds of donors— giving all that they can, and organizing others to be part of this.


We have set an initial goal of $50,000 by July 4. This means starting the work to meet that goal now. 


If you are inspired by this Call, tune in to the fundraising livestream to learn more about the mission and goals of Revolution Summer 2024.

Or join the Revolution Corps Chicago and watch at  the Revolution Center
1857 E. 71st St. chicago
Doors open 3:30pm
Livestream starts at 4pm
Tune in to the Livestream 
Sunday, June 23 

2 pm PDT, 4 pm CDT, 5 pm EDT








Join with others on this fundraising livestream where you will meet some of the revolutionaries who are already on the ground doing this work. You will find out more about the bold plans for Revolution Summer. And you will learn how you can be part of making all of this happen, by donating funds and bringing many others to get with the movement for a REAL revolution.

Fundraising livestream for Revolution Summer


As the Call for Revolution Summer 2024 says:


Be part of making history. Be a part of fighting for a whole new way humanity could be living.


Raising funds is also essential to building up the organized networks needed for this revolution. As the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian has said: “With thousands organized into the ranks of the revolution, millions can be won to revolution; and with millions won to revolution, there could be a real possibility for this revolution to win.”


Some of the important things your donations will make possible:


** support for the work of volunteers who are fighting to make this country bristle with revolution this summer and to organize many more people into this movement, on a mission to go out to all sections of the people with the message of this Call;


** the ability to publish and distribute 100s of thousands of printed materials—posters, flyers, banners, stickers—that will reach people in cities across the country. One key part of this is making posters and broadsheets like We Need and We Demand A Whole New Way to Live, A Fundamentally Different System show up on walls and in places where people congregate, stirring up debate about the need and possibility for this Revolution. These, and other materials, are essential to reach the millions who need to learn what this revolution is all about, and how they can and need to become part of the force of thousands who are getting organized for revolution as the fight over the whole direction of society is sharpening up over the summer and into the fall.

Revolution Summer 2024
We need and we demand: A whole new way to live, a fundamentally different system
Revolution: Building up the basis to go for the whole thing with a real chance to win
The Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity

** allow organizers to travel to key areas of the country, and to bring people to Chicago in August to protest at the Democratic Convention, declaring: No Fascist Trump, No Genocide Joe, The Whole Damn System’s Got to Go. We Need Revolution for a Whole New Way to Live.


All of this requires a steady source of funds that can only come from the people who are challenged and inspired to see the goals succeed. 


In going out to build for this fund drive, spread the call for the REVOLUTION SUMMER 2024—and turn people on to @BobAvakianOfficial where they can hear directly from this revolutionary leader about why this is a rare time when revolution is more possible, about the strategy for that revolution, about the fight against the genocide in Gaza, about all the biggest questions we face in this pivotal year of 2024. 

Follow Bob Avakian on social media—where you go to scientifically understand and radically change the world... Go to every day.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

THE REVCOM CORPS for the Emancipation of Humanity calls on you to join:

For A Whole New Emancipating Way to Live, A Fundamentally Different System

STOP the U.S./lsraeli Genocide of Palestinians NOW!
Another World IS
It's time for something new. For something radical. For YOU to do something that really matters. 

DM: @ RevcomCorpsChi

Look around. Israel is carrying out a heartless genocide against the Palestinian people. Whole families buried in rubble or burned alive. All of this backed and funded by the U.S. government. Capitalism-imperialism is poisoning the air and the oceans, killing off species and destroying our planet. Women's right to abortion and LGBTQ rights are being ripped away. The police are killing Black and Brown people on the daily. People look at the future with a feeling of doom.
This is not the world you want. It is not the future you should accept.

Isn't it time you join with others to do something about it?
This summer: Be a part of making history. Be a part of fighting for a whole new way humanity could be living. Be part of REVOLUTION SUMMER 2024.

You are told "there's nothing you can do." You are told that our only real choice is between the Genocide Joe Democrats and the women-hating, openly racist, fascist MAGA Republicans. THESE ARE BIG LIES.
Our real choice is to reject the entire people-killing, spirit-crushing system of capitalism-imperialism that BOTH Biden AND Trump represent and enforce!

Our real choice is seizing on this time of momentous change TO MAKE A REVOLUTION. Revolution means overthrowing this system of capitalism-imperialism and replacing it with a far better, liberating socialist system on the road to full emancipation for all humanity.

Is a real revolution possible? Yes! It is. The far-sighted revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA) has forged a scientific understanding of why revolution is necessary, how it can be made, and the liberating future it can bring about. BA has written a Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America. This visionary document breaks down how the new socialist economy will work to meet people's needs while unleashing a culture and society filled with debate and ferment over the way forward to uproot all oppression and exploitation in all its forms together with people around the world.

"But almost no one even knows about this revolution."

True. REVOLUTION SUMMER 2024 is setting out to change that.
Bob Avakian has analyzed that we are living in a rare time now when revolution is more possible than it's been in generations. One sign of this is that people can go - and are now going - through big changes fast. Just look at the heroic struggle of college students against the genocide in Gaza that spread like wild fire in just a few weeks.
Even bigger changes are coming. Think, for example, about how Trump and his MAGA fascists are promising bloodshed - even preparing for a civil war to wipe out all those they hate - if Trump loses the election. Things are not returning to "normal." One way or another, radical change is coming... soon.
All this could go somewhere truly terrible, even worse than the current nightmare under this system.
But this conflict "at the top" could also open up the possibility for a real revolution that brings about a liberating and truly beautiful future - if we get to work NOW to make millions aware of this revolution and win growing numbers to take it up.

BA has said that in these times:  
"With thousands organized into the ranks of the revolution, millions can be won to revolution; and with millions won to revolution, there could be a real possibility for this revolution to win"
  • Take the fight against genocide in Gaza and the fight for a real revolution to people everywhere. To those who catch the hardest hell, to concerts and ballgames, to protests and street-corners and far beyond.
  • Study Bob Avakian's leadership as we learn and apply the science of revolution while working together with others to put this revolution before millions and win growing numbers to get organized now to make it real.
  • Live by and fight for THE REVCOM CORPS for the Emancipation of Humanity Points of Attention for the Revolution, the liberating Code of the Revolution, (read these at
  • Build up a bold, organized, serious, disciplined force to defend the people from attacks on their rights and lives by forces in and out of government as part of transforming the people for revolution.
  • Organize powerful protests against the genocide in Gaza and for a liberating real revolution culminating in going to Chicago in August for the Democratic National Convention when the eyes of the whole world will be watching.
Be a part of making a real difference - a whole radically new way for humanity live.

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