Tuesday, April 5, 7 PM at REVOLUTION BOOKS
A special invitation to Celebrate the publication of
"BAsics, from the talks and writings of
Bob Avakian"
(available now at Revolution Books)

Join us for music, food, and celebration!
Get this new book hot off the press!
Join people across the country on April 5 to celebrate the release of BAsics. BAsics concentrates more than 30 years on Avakian's work on everything that stands between humanity and complete emancipation into a single concise book of essential quotes and short essays by the Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party. If you yearn for radical change--or even to see the question become a major topic in society--you'll want to be part of this celebration.
BAsics will introduce many more people to the most radical revolutionary on the planet and help makethis path-breaking work and leadership a much bigger part of the discourse in society. Don't miss this celebration!
Get copies of BAsics and palmcards to spread the word.
(Author will not be present.)
--------------------------- ALSO - Make your plans for this special event in NYC "On the Occasion of the Publication of BAsics: A Celebration of Revolution and the Vision of a New World" Monday, April 11, Harlem Stage, NYC Aaron Davis Hall on the campus of the City College of New York, 135th Street and Convent Avenue To volunteer for the NY event, get tickets , and more information, go to the Revolution Books New York site at http://www.revolutionbooksnyc.org/April11.html. | |
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