Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 22nd -  
Powerful manifestations across the U.S. demanding an end t0 Police Brutality and proclaiming  "THIS MUST STOP"  
We are sending these links to coverage of the the 16th annual October 22nd National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation.

We are including a link to the  Chicago Tribune article containing new revelations around the brutal police murder of Flint Farmer.

The Chicago Ad Hoc Committee for October 22nd can be reached at:  or  312-933-9586

Coverage of October 22nd Protest:
Revolution Newspaper O22 initial reports - coverage of protests from around the country. We will post further reports and photos as we receive them. 
Chicago  Sun Times Article on NDP in Chicago

SunTimes NDP Slideshow:
Chicago Tribune Article on recent revelations  in the Police shooting of Flint Farmer

For a free esub to  REVOLUTION newspaper click here 

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sustain the Revolution

Received from REVOLUTION newspaper

Sustain the Revolution!
Sustain the Lifeline! 
Give Every Month to Revolution
This world is a horror.
But it does NOT have to be this way.

There is a way out and a way forward, a viable vision and strategy for a radically new, and much better, society and world.There is a leader-Bob Avakian-who has shown that way and a party determined to fight for it.

Revolution is the voice of that party, and it is one key place where that leader's work-the new synthesis of communism-can be found every issue.

This paper opens up for you a way into that whole different way of understanding the agonies of the old world and the birth pangs of the new.This paper gives you a whole different sense of future possibility. This paper connects you to the movement for revolution that is working and fighting to bring it into being, keeping you up on what is going on and enabling you to find ways to participate.
Now it's up to you. Donate to and regularly sustain this paper. By doing this, you will play a critical role in enabling this paper to connect its message to tens of thousands more, and ultimately-as things go through great shifts and changes-millions.

Sustain this paper. Get this vision and this movement into every area of the country. Deep into the city cores... broad onto the campuses... into the new movements now fighting to be born... further into the hellhole prisons and dungeons... throw out this lifeline to those aching for something new.

Donate generously, and donate every month. Subscribe to this paper and read it each week. Join the movement. Be part of fighting for a different future.

Click here to make your donation

Friday, October 21, 2011

 Friday Oct 21 3pm Revolution Books TEACH-IN

  Police Brutality, Mass Incarceration, and the Criminalization of Youth: the Cold Truth about the "War on Crime" and Our Responsibility to Act  

O22 Incareration
What is the history of this epidemic of police brutality?     
- What is our responsibility to act?   
- What can people do to create a situation where the demonized youth in the inner cities are not locked down in a "new Jim Crow" but instead can become a part of the struggle for the future of humanity?    

The American Campaign of criminalization includes the"legal lynching" of Troy Davis, the 700,000 "stop & frisk of Black and Brown youth in NYC.

At the same time courageous hunger strike by CA prisoners exposing how tens of thousands of US prisoners face conditions of torture.  

Bring your friends , your students, your toughest questions, and your boldest ideas to  Jackson & Lasalle this Friday Oct 21 at 3pm  
Read the REVOLUTION newspaper interview with Carl Dix about October 22, 2011:  
Time to Intensify Outpouring of Resistance

Join us in these events and build for OCTOBER 22-WEAR BLACK

Friday, October 21st is the Day of Defiance in schools called by Oct. 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation --
Wear Black.

Friday, Oct 21, 4:30-5:30 meet at State and Jackson to Build for Oct 22nd and the Occupy Chicago march (check their web site for time)  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Received from Ad Hoc Committee for October 22nd
Wear Black OCTOBER 22nd: 
PROTEST March &Rally
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Revolution Books Presents 

Author Jeffrey Haas      
Sunday, Oct 16,  3 pm  

The Assassination of Fred Hampton:
How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther

Fred Hampton
The Assassination of Fred Hampton is Haas' personal account of how he and People's Law Office partner Flint Taylor pursued Hampton's assassins, ultimately prevailing over unlimited government resources and FBI conspiracy.
Come meet author and attorney Jeffrey Haas, and get your book signed at this book party. 

Revolution Books 1103 N. Ashland Ave, Chicago, Il 60622,

For further information call 773-489-0930 or email

Stay connected with Revolution Books at  Like us on Facebook

Monday, October 10, 2011

Support Occupy Chicago
Occupy Chicago  
Occupy Chicago.
Click pic for Occupy Wall St. slide show.
An extraordinary event has broken out in society. A
breath of fresh air is blowing across the country from the Occupy Wall Street movement to many, many other cities including Occupy Chicago.  Revolution Books is calling on everyone to go to Occupy Chicago and stand with these courageous young resisters.  We know that many on our email list will be interested in attending or observing this growing movement in action.
These are times when the most fundamental questions are being thrown up and there is openness to hearing about revolutionary solutions that has not existed for years.   While people are coming from many different outlooks, there is a great shared feeling that something is terribly wrong in society, and the world, and we are going to do something about it. The essay at the end of Chapter 3 of Bob Avakian's new book BAsics goes into the importance of such moments, that "create situations in which many more people are searching for answers and are open to considering radical change."

This is what can be seen in the Occupy movement, and why it is so important for Revolution Books to support and be part of the mix. Volunteers are needed to help out at both the store and at the Occupy Chicago site. We will be at the Occupy Chicago site from 7-9 pm every night. Come lend a hand, and be part of it. But don't stay home!

There will be frequent updates from Revolution Books. Watch for emails.

Oct 10 Monday: 4 pm "The Stand Up Chicago!" March and Rally co-sponsored by the Chicago Teachers Union -  Join us at the Revolution Banner and be part of a contingent at  the feeder march at the Hilton Hotel on Michigan and Balbo.The march will end up at Occupy Chicago at Jackson and LaSalle.

After the demonstration at 7 pm: Bring people to "Music with a Conscience-the Protest Music of George Flynn" 7 pm at the Chopin Theater, 1543 W. Division. (at Milwaukee, the Division Blue line stop). 
See Revolution coverage below and get latest coverage at

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Voices of those...Cast off by the system

Spread Support for the Pelican Bay Hunger Strikers
"The courageous prisoners at Pelican Bay are doing everything they can, in the most isolated, inhumane conditions, to refuse to be treated like animals. And because of this, a light is being shined on the torture and inhumanity going on behind these prison walls.  People on the outside have the moral responsibility to act in a way commensurate with the justness of the prisoners' demands and the urgency of the situation. What people on the outside do will be a big factor in what happens when the prisoners resume the hunger strike." from  12,000 Prisoners Resume Hunger Strike in California posted on Revolution website.

They urgently need our support NOW.   

Schedule of Events: 

October 6, Thursday:  11 to 1 pm
Meet at the corner of State and Jackson in front of Barnes and Noble at 11 to 1 pm. Bring banners, fliers, signs, art work and Revolution newspapers. Show your support in any way you can!  

October 6,Thursday 7 pm: 
Discussion of BAsics from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian. Chapter 3, "Making Revolution". Please join us for the discussion.   
Everyone is welcomed.  

The Response


October 7, Friday, 7pm- View & You Film Series

at Revolution Book. 

 The Response
A courtroom drama based on the actual transcripts of the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals officially known as Combatant Status Review Tribunals 



October 8, Saturday,  12 noon
 Michigan and Congress Parkway

10th Anniversary of 10 Years of War US Against Afghanistan.

Come to Revolution Books at 10:00 am to join a contingent to march and get out Revolution Newspaper. Rally and March starting at Michigan and Congress Parkway. 


October 14, Friday, 7pm- View & You Film Series
at Revolution Book. 
Over 500 poets from throughout the world convened in Los Angeles to witness the largest youth poetry festival ever, featuring highlights from the final round of the monumental event hosted by Common and Rosario Dawson.

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