Sunday, May 19, 2019

Received from Refuse Fascism Chicago

Save the date:
June 6, 8am

PROTEST the DCCC Fundraiser for Dan Lipinski
At Chicago Cut Steakhouse downtown Chicago

Facebook Event

Lipinski is the anti-abortion US Rep from Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District.

Abortion is being criminalized in state after state, with complete bans in some, “heartbeat” bills in others, with the sole purpose of slamming women back into forced motherhood and full out male supremacy. This is a war on women - these laws have been created to make it to the fascist-majority Supreme Court and overturn Roe v. Wade.

At a time like this, what does the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) do? They are planning a fundraising event to “honor” Dan Lipsinski, the most anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ rights and all-around reactionary on the Democratic side of the aisle. Thanks to NARAL for this graphic that hits the nail on the head. Lipsinki is a collaborator with core elements of the Christian fascist agenda that Mike Pence in particular is implementing. Read about this $1000/ticket event featuring the head of the DCCC, Rep. Cheri Busto.

DCCC support for him is not a “mistake.” Nancy Pelosi herself reiterated her position that the Party should be “flexible” about abortion (read more). The DCCC is the money machine that funds Democratic Party congressional campaigns and the voice of Pelosi and the leadership of the Democratic Party. It is now a device for suppressing progressive challenges to incumbents like Lipsinki. The DCCC not only denies funding to them; it threatens to blacklist vendors who work with primary challengers!

The Democratic Party leadership is telling you who they are. Believe them. And quit looking

to them to stand up to this fascist juggernaut! White supremacy, misogyny, immigrant children ripped from parents and put in concentration camps, climate denial, threats of war and invasions… humanity and the planet are at stake. ONLY mass, sustained non-violent protests demanding that Trump and Pence MUST GO has a chance of stopping it.

Join us Thursday, June 6 at 8am to say HELL NO! to Lipsinki and to collaborating with the Trump/Pence fascist agenda. 

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