Friday, June 5, 2020

Saturday 6/6 10:30am


Justice for George Floyd, Trump/Pence OUT NOW! Contingent

Join the Refuse Fascism Contingent at Union Park! Justice for George Floyd, NO More Police Murder of Black People, NO Fascist Police State! We must seize the time to demand Trump Pence OUT NOW!

[Exact meetup spot TBA; we will also be organizing a car caravan for those who can't be on the ground
to be able to participate.]

An uprising has begun. Day after day, night after night, coast to coast, the streets fill with Black youth refusing to face another day in fear and people of all backgrounds who have had enough of white supremacy and a culture of soul-crushing cruelty. Millions have been shaken awake.

Trump has thrown down a heavy gauntlet to the people who have been heroically protesting in the face of heightened repression. Yet the people have not cowered. For the first time under this regime, the people have seized the initiative and have not let go. In contrast to the hate and bigotry of the Trump/Pence regime, these protests are infused with a love for humanity, and those in power seem more out of touch and illegitimate by the day.
This fascist regime poses a catastrophic danger to the whole world, and the whole world will take heart if we rise to another level of determined resistance. Let us change the course of history, not for ourselves alone but for all humanity.

This nightmare must end. The Trump/Pence regime must go! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America.

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