Saturday, September 26, 2020

Received from Refuse Fascism Chicago

 The Struggle for the Future is On!      

 October 3, We Begin

You are invited to a mass meeting* this Saturday to plan daily protests that begin
October 3.

Saturday, Sept 26
3 pm Open Air Meeting
Logan Square Monument
Facebook event to join, invite, share if you are on FB

Front page headline from today's New York Times (all caps): "TRUMP REITERATES REFUSAL TO HONOR ELECTION RESULTS"

Trump, Barr and Pence are openly stealing the elections and ramming through the installation of another Christian fascist to the Supreme Court. Trump’s MAGA mobs maraud around the country in water and land caravans; they murder protesters and innocent people by guns and by their cars. They spread COVID. They are inflamed with reactionary passion. All for the purpose of rousing their followers and intimidating and demoralizing all who should be standing up for justice.

We face a critical crossroads. The hour is late, but not too late. Relying only on our voting will lead to disaster. The Trump/Pence regime is subverting the election right now and preparing to nullify it. Waiting to act till they do so will be too late.

We must act now. Beginning Saturday, October 3, we will gather and bring our family, friends, and community into the public squares of cities and towns across the country in non-violent protest unified by the demand: Trump/Pence OUTNOW! And come back in waves, day after day.

Together, in all our diversity, from our many different political perspectives, every race and religion, different life experiences, young and old, we must share our skills, our moral courage and commitment, and our aspirations for a world not dominated by fascist terror to build growing, daily nonviolent protests, not stopping until this fascist regime has been driven from power. *Come Saturday and discuss a vision of what this could look like*.

Imagine the central square filling every day with growing numbers of people united by our one demand that this regime must go, stating and projecting our demand to the whole world. Imagine different feeder marches, from different struggles for justice bringing their own banners and demands, into the public square to join with others who see the Trump/Pence regime as a common obstacle we must overcome together.

Imagine standing for and modeling our values – wearing masks, engaging in principled debate, taking care of each other, refusing to be provoked but refusing to back down in the face of repression - in stark contrast to the hate and bigotry of the regime and their fascist movement – with music, film, poetry, and visual art giving life to this vibrant scene. Imagine car caravans and marches emanating out from the public square to other neighborhoods, waking and shaking people up to act on their conscience and bring waves of more people demanding Trump/Pence Out Now! Imagine how this can be amplified through social media.

If you are part of a movement or struggle, bring that in! If you are brand new to the struggle, now is the time to start. A fascist America is an unprecedented danger to global humanity that none of us can defeat on our own -- but together we have the power to mobilize the one force that can stop it: the millions who hate everything Trump and Pence stands for. Let us rise to this challenge together.

* Saturday, September 26, 3 pm, Logan Square Monument. Our meeting will be physically distanced, wear a mask and bring a lawn chair or blanket, and friends!

All of this requires funds, for the posters and stickers and even more so for social media promotion. Donate online in whatever amount you can, no amount is too small or too large, and every dollar goes straight into building this movement! Thank you, for humanity and the future.

Donate via Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism
Donate via CASHAPP: @RefuseFascism

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