Friday, October 30, 2020

Received from Refuse Fascism Chicago

 "My Grams was one of those people I loved to make laugh. She was a mighty woman who left an indelible mark on the women in my family. Myself included. I think of her when I fold a fitted sheet or make “Gramma eggs,” our family’s name for “egg in a basket.” Her atoms can be felt in every one of my and my sister’s films and was a huge inspiration for the Oracle in the Matrix trilogy. At the very end of her life, one of the things she said that carries wistful weight in our family’s lore was, she wasn’t afraid of dying, she just wanted to know the rest of the story, to know what was going to happen.

"As we approach the crucible that is the 2020 election, this moment of our potential unmaking, I am at a loss when presented with the idea of what happens if Trump denies the will of the people and refuses to honor a peaceful transfer of power.

"And then what happens?

"That is the question that leaves me tossing and turning in bed at the darkest hours of the morning, my brain in free fall reaching out for purchase, grasping. The strange event horizon of this post-election moment in its unknowableness is unsettling." (read more)

We urge you to read Lily Wachowski's entire essay that appeared today on, and then join us in non-violent protest tomorrow and every day until this fascist regime's rolling coup has stopped and they are driven from power.

Lilly Wachowski
Lilly Wachowski is a trans woman, filmmaker who has collaborated on a myriad of moving picture cinematics including  the Matrix TrilogyV for Vendetta, Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas, Sense8, and Work in Progress. She is a board member of Brave Space Alliance and co-signer of A Pledge to the People of the World: In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America.

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