Saturday, April 25, 2015

Internationalism-The Whole World Comes First!
We Refuse To Accept Slavery In Any Form 
Here And Around The World!
Fight The Power, And Transform The People, For Revolution!

Revolution Books invites you to celebrate May Day at an Internationalist Dinner.
Communism: A Whole New World and the Emancipation of Humanity - Not "The Last Shall Be First, and The First Shall Be Last"
Bob Avakian, BAsics 2:1
Join us
Sunday, May 3rd, 5-7:30 PM
Quaker House
5615 S. Woodlawn (Hyde Park)

This will be an internationalist potluck dinner so please bring a dish or drink from another country or culture to share, if you can. We will gather together to celebrate the important developments of the past year and strengthen our community for the struggles in the year ahead. Join us for conversation and viewing a clip from the new film 
Revolution and Religion, The Fight for Emancipation and the Role of Religion, A Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian,  a great advance for our movement for revolution.

Join the special efforts to get out massive amounts of the palm cards advertising this Dialogue, raise funds for BA Everywhere, and get out this issue of 

Contact Revolution Books for details

(773) 489-0930

Revolution Books received this call from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network Chicago

Freddie Gray
Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old Black man, is dead after being taken into custody by Baltimore City cops. Freddie ran when the cops swaggered into the neighborhood like an occupying army and the police have yet to say why they were arresting Freddie. A video made by a witness to his arrest shows him being dragged to the police van screaming like he was in excruciating pain and seemingly unable to walk. 40 minutes later, the police call an ambulance to the precinct Freddie was taken to, and at the hospital doctors find his spinal cord had been broken. Freddie died a week later. The city has exploded in protest, with 2000 people in the streets on April 21 demanding Justice For Freddie.

Solidarity rally with people of Baltimore
Saturday, April 25; 12:00 noon at Jackson & State, Chicago, IL

Protestors march for Freddie Gray through downtown Baltimore
#ShutDownA14- Was A Great Beginning! 
Now Fund the Movement to Stop Murder by Police!

If not now, when?
If not you, who?

To get involved:
Stop Mass Incarceration Network - Chicago

Friday, April 17, 2015

April 14-- Movement to Stop Murder by Police Took Back the Streets!

Police Strike Back with Vicious Arrests--Drop ALL the Charges!
People stood up. Defiant. With the joy of fighting for justice and for the humanity of Black and Latino people. April 14 announced to the whole country that the beautiful movement that began in Ferguson and spread through the fall to stop the killing and the utter disregard for Black and Latino lives is back. Thousands of people took to the streets in more than 30 cities across the country-to STOP BUSINESS AS USUAL BECAUSE BUSINESS AS USUAL IN AMERICA MEANS POLICE GETTING AWAY WITH MURDERING BLACK AND LATINO PEOPLE. [Read more...]

ShutDownA14 pix from around the country!

URGENT! Stop Mass Incarceration Network is meeting!

Saturday, April 18, 2:00 pm   
Grace Place--637 S. Dearborn--Chicago  

Students from DePaul  University singing "I Can't Breathe" Song at A14 Rally
Where to from here? What are the immediate next steps?
Join Stop Mass Incarceration Network  

Saturday, April 18, 2:00 pm   

Grace Place--637 S. Dearborn--Chicago
On Facebook? Join the FB event & invite friends.
Contact SMIN Chicago at  312 933-9586 or @StopMassIncChi

Sunday, April 19 - See the Play at 3 pm and Stay for  Town Hall Conversation:
"Black Lives Matter: Past, Present, and Future."
Play synopsis: It's 1676 in Virginia - a time when class, not color, defined an American's destiny. Historic figure and wealthy landowner Negro Mary believes a vile curse has been cast upon her family and land. But her plans to break the curse are thwarted by a secret wedding, an interracial love triangle, and a crime of passion. Can Mary cheat fate and change the course of history? Or will their lives end in division and destruction? In An Issue of Blood, Victory Gardens Ensemble playwright Marcus Gardley and Artistic Director Chay Yew ( The Gospel of Lovingkindness) look to a pivotal moment in our collective past to understand how we arrived in our tumultuous present.

The facts, the reasons behind, and the ultimate solution to the national epidemic  of police murders are found at Revolution Books Chicago. We will be open from noon to 5 pm on Saturday and 2 pm to 5 pm on Sunday, April 18 and 19.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

We are sharing this critical Call to Act from STOP MASS INCARCERATION Chicago

From now to April 14, people will be out in the Chicago neighborhoods building for #ShutDownA14. Social media really has huge potential to put this movement to stop police brutality and murder into high gear, and over the top on Tuesday.
Five Things you can do:

1 - If you are on Twitter, follow SMIN Chicago (@StopMassIncChi), and on Facebook, friend SMIN Chicago. Then take off in many directions, always pointing people back to the A14 Chicago Facebook event page, at and including #ShutDownA14. On Twitter, mention @StopMassIncChi on tweets about important developments, great new pix, etc. Twitter accounts to find good material include @Carl_Dix, @SunsaraTaylor, @StopMassIncNet (the national SMIN account), and @WorldCantWait.

2 - Please follow Stop Mass Incarceration Network Chicago (SMIN) YouTube channel at We will be posting videos there, as they come in from people out in the neighborhoods. Spread the videos via Twitter and Facebook and other social media. People not on YouTube can dropbox videos to the local SMIN

3 - People out in the neighborhoods: Post photos and tweets ab 
out what is happening, using the #ShutDownA14 hashtag. Upload photos and videos to your own Facebook, then post them to the event page on the SMIN Facebook Give everyone you meet this Facebook event page so they can post there.
 4 - People on the spot should collect peoples' @twitternames and Facebook names on contact sheets. Email these tostopmassincarcerationchicago@gmail.comat the end of the day, so that SMIN can reach out to new people who are on social media.

5 - Find out on SMIN-Chicago Facebook when and where we will be. Come out, bring your cellphone, and help us do the social media blitz in real time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Revolution Books received this email from STOP MASS INCARCERATION Chicago
cornel west calls for protest on 4:14:15
Watch Cornel West and Carl Dix from their Monday nights NYC presentation
"Emergency: The Police Are Still Killing Unarmed People, and This Must Stop! A Call to Act!"

Dear Friends,
Carl Dix calls for national protest on 4/14/5 
Listen as Cornel West and Carl Dix break down the stakes and possibilities in building for April 14th, a day of massive resistance all over the country. This will be a day to stop business as usual, to be as powerful as possible, and to end the system putting its
stamp of approval on police murdering people!

Over the next 6 days, we are building  a major push on social media, challenging people to ACT on April 14 to STOP police brutality & murder.

 You can make a difference by joining in. Watch the 2-1/2 minute video A Call to STOP MURDER BY POLICE! and spread it all over (see resources below for links). We are urging everyone to "Take a stand, post this to your social media right now, and act on April 14." Every pic and #ShutDownA14 hashtag will help put A14 on the map nationwide!

There are many ways to contribute, large and small.
 1) Go to for the latest videos, memes, tweets, things to do, information, news, actions, etc. from around the country.

2) If you are on Twitter, follow SMIN Chicago (@StopMassIncChi), and on Facebook, friend SMIN Chicago. Then take off in many directions, always pointing people back to the A14 Chicago Facebook event page, at and include #ShutDownA14. On Twitter, mention @StopMassIncChi on important developments, great new pix, etc.

3) If you're on other social media, like Instagram or SnapChat, get the word out there and please email us at about what you're seeing and learning, including sending photos and videos so they can be posted on

Keep us posted on what you are doing! 
Email and let them know you can help with the social media campaign for April 14.
Resources for #ShutDownA14 
Short link for video A Call to STOP MURDER BY POLICE!

Short link for SMIN Chicago April 14 Convergence Facebook event

Short link for livecast of Cornel West & Carl Dix event, April 6

Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) national website

(Visit their subpage #ShutDownA14 for memes, videos, other postables.)

Revolution newspaper/ page on A14

SMIN national Twitter

SMIN national Facebook

SMIN Chicago Twitter

SMIN Chicago Facebook

Friday, April 3, 2015


Revolution Books received this announcement from Stop Mass Incarceration Network:
Watch this stunning video now -
Then get ready for

Walkouts Everywhere! Disrupt business as usual!  
Stop Police Murder: Shut Down A14  
Chicago Convergence - 3:00 pm Daley Plaza

STOP MASS INCARCERATION NETWORK is calling for a day of massive resistance all over the country on April 14. This will be a day to stop business as usual, to be as powerful as possible, and to end the system putting its stamp of approval on police murdering people!
click image for more info

Our demands are clear:  
* The murder of Black and Brown people by the police MUST STOP.
* Justice for all the victims of brutal, murdering police.
* Indict, convict and send killer cops to jail-the whole damn system is guilty as hell.
* Stop the repression targeting the protests-Drop all the charges against all those arrested. 

Everyone in the Chicago area should make 
plans to walk out, shut shit down all over the area, and then converge at 
at 3pm at Daley Plaza (Washington and Dearborn)

Next organizing meeting:
SUNDAY, April 5 - 5 PM
Revolution Books, 1103 N. Ashland  Ave., Chicago
Everyone welcome! 

Monday, Apr. 6  6pm - Livestream of Cornel West & Carl Dix:
"Emergency! Police are STILL killing unarmed youth and this must STOP!" 
  Cornel West & Carl Dix speaking Monday, Apr. 6 from New York; livestreaming at 6 PM CDT at Revolution Books.

Click to view video
On April 14, we will take our movement to STOP wanton police murder to a whole new level.

Stop Mass Incarceration Network - Chicago

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Revolution Books received this announcement from Stop Mass Incarceration Network: 
Monday April 6   
6 pm CDT at 

We will livestream: 
from Cornel West &  
Carl Dix for #SHUTDOWNA14 

The Police Are STILL Killing Unarmed People,  and This Must STOP!

REVOLUTION BOOKS will be live streaming Cornel West and Carl Dix speaking at St. Paul & St. Andrew Church in New York City about what needs to be done and the need for a massive national outpourings on April 14.

JUST ADDED: Special Messages from Alice Walker & others (to be announced)

After the protests of last year, after promises were made and investigations were launched, after hundreds of protesters were arrested... the police are still getting away with killing people, especially Black and Latino people. 
This must STOP!

#SHUTDOWNA14 - To get involved:
Stop Mass Incarceration Network - Chicago

Like us on Facebook