Sunday, April 12, 2015

We are sharing this critical Call to Act from STOP MASS INCARCERATION Chicago

From now to April 14, people will be out in the Chicago neighborhoods building for #ShutDownA14. Social media really has huge potential to put this movement to stop police brutality and murder into high gear, and over the top on Tuesday.
Five Things you can do:

1 - If you are on Twitter, follow SMIN Chicago (@StopMassIncChi), and on Facebook, friend SMIN Chicago. Then take off in many directions, always pointing people back to the A14 Chicago Facebook event page, at and including #ShutDownA14. On Twitter, mention @StopMassIncChi on tweets about important developments, great new pix, etc. Twitter accounts to find good material include @Carl_Dix, @SunsaraTaylor, @StopMassIncNet (the national SMIN account), and @WorldCantWait.

2 - Please follow Stop Mass Incarceration Network Chicago (SMIN) YouTube channel at We will be posting videos there, as they come in from people out in the neighborhoods. Spread the videos via Twitter and Facebook and other social media. People not on YouTube can dropbox videos to the local SMIN

3 - People out in the neighborhoods: Post photos and tweets ab 
out what is happening, using the #ShutDownA14 hashtag. Upload photos and videos to your own Facebook, then post them to the event page on the SMIN Facebook Give everyone you meet this Facebook event page so they can post there.
 4 - People on the spot should collect peoples' @twitternames and Facebook names on contact sheets. Email these tostopmassincarcerationchicago@gmail.comat the end of the day, so that SMIN can reach out to new people who are on social media.

5 - Find out on SMIN-Chicago Facebook when and where we will be. Come out, bring your cellphone, and help us do the social media blitz in real time.

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