Saturday, October 22, 2016
820 N. Michigan Ave.
21st Annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police
Brutality, Repression and the
Criminalization of a Generation
Call from Gloria Pinex--Mother of Darius Pinex Murdered by Chicago Police January 2011:
Sick and Tired of
Being Sick and Tired of:
Murder by Police,
Strung Out On
Trumped (on),
Stomped (on),
Framed, Being
Seeing Our Babies
Dying to This System,
No More Telling Us Who to Vote For
For the last 5 years I have struggled with my son’s death by police.
Darius was murdered by the CPD. I have had a long fight for justice for me and
my family. As I fought I learned no police officer will face any time in jail
because they are protected by this system.
reason I am standing up and calling on you to join me is because this has to
stop! There are far more innocent people being murdered out here on these
streets and around the country by cops. The system has no future for us. We
need a change. 1134 people were killed by police last year alone.
Enough is Enough! They killing us every day.
So I ask you, “Which side are you on?”
Saturday, October 22, 1 pm WATER TOWER PARK, 820 N. Michigan Ave.