Monday, April 30, 2012

Cornel West/Carl Dix Dialogue at U of C

Revolution Books received the following announcement for the Cornel West-Carl Dix event - see box directly below. Because of delays at the University, publicity for this vital and timely event is just now going out. There are only 7 DAYS until the event! We urge everyone to both attend yourself and begin publicizing this event immediately in every way you can. Help make this event a tremendous success.   

 CDCW short 
CWCD Sponsors

Directions to get to West-Dix dialogue at the University of Chicago: 

CTA: Take Red line to 55th Street/Garfield Blvd.. Get off and take 55 bus East to University Avenue. Walk 2 blocks South to 57th St. Enter Reynolds Club on Southwest corner of 57th & University to find Mandel Hall.  

For information on additional bus routes as well as for automobile travel, go to:

For parking information, go to

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Earth Breaks Chains sqr
Join with Revolution Books in celebrating 
May Day 2012  
 Chicago - Four Defiant Days, April 28-May 1

 May Day is the revolutionary holiday when people come together all over this tortured planet and declare their determination to fight for a world fit for human beings, a world free of all forms of exploitation and oppression, without slavery in any form.
Call the Campaign  coordinator at 312-860-8167 to volunteer for any of all of  these plans. Or come by REVOLUTION BOOKS.  
Saturday April 28 
Car Caravan to West Side and South Side
Leave from Revolution Books
at 12:15 pm 

Meet at Revolution Books at 11:30 am. We will be leaving at 12:15 pm,  headed to the heart of the Westside at Madison and Pulaski. We will have a mini-rally in the area of Madison and Pulaski at 1:00pm. From there we will snake through the city to Hyde Park and the University of Chicago.   

We will be spreading the word about BA, selling BAsicsfrom the talks and writings of Bob Avakian, and distributing this special edition of Revolution newspaper. And raising money! 

Call the volunteer coordinator 312-860-8167 for an update on our location if you wish to join along the route. 
Sunday, April 29,  6pm
Fundraising Dinner to Celebrate 
May Day and A Different and Far Better Future 

Union Star M.B. Church, 
3915 W Chicago Ave, 
$10 donation

Food, Music, Spoken Word 
and More !!  

Join us as we celebrate the campaign to project Bob Avakian, his voice and his work way out into society-far beyond what it is today. Be part of this fundraising campaign and be part of an evening that unleashes and develops imagination, defiance, and community. 
Earth Breaks Chains sqr
May 1st 2012
Join the INTERNATIONALIST Contingent in the May 1 Occupy and Immigrant Rights Rally and March 
11 am - Join us near the corner of 
Washington and  Ashland - 
Look for the big Red Flag 

12 noon Rally at Union Park 
1501 W Randolph 1 pm March to Federal Plaza 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Revolution Books received this email:
Let everyone know about April 19th

A19 grey

This country imprisons more people than any other country on the planet. On Thursday, April 19th, everyone who is concerned about injustice must join in saying─ NO TO MASS INCARCERATION ─in a loud voice. There must be rallies and demonstrations in cities across the country. College and high school students must hold teach in's and other actions on their campuses. There need be cultural events held on that

day. The architects and enforcers of mass incarceration must be challenged over the inhumanity of the policies they are inflicting on society.  


A lot of important work has been done on this front. Michelle Alexander and others have done a lot of exposure of the horrors of mass incarceration. Prisoners, activists and others concerned about injustice, including a number of prominent have been involved in building resistance to this problem. It is crucial that this resistance be taken to

higher level─NOW.


We must do this because:

  • 2.4 million people, 60% of them Black or Latino, are held in prisons across the US.
  • Racial profiling practiced by police and courts serves as a pipeline to these horrific numbers.
  • People in prison are subjected to torture-like conditions.
  • The formerly incarcerated face discrimination, even after they've served their sentences. 


We must do this now because in this very political time─with the presidential elections heading into full swing─the horror of racially targeted mass incarceration is being hardly mentioned. And when it does come up, it is raised only to call for even harsher measures. Only our independent mass action can puncture this atmosphere─putting this injustice forcefully before society and challenging everyone who is concerned about justice to take a stand.


IN CHICAGO CONTACT: 312-933-9586



866-841-9139  ext-2670




Thursday, April 12, 2012

We received this from the BA Everywhere campaign:

may dat 2012

To Everyone who has been involved in the BA Everywhere campaign and all those who would like to get involved:

     Sunday April 15th 4pm-7pm  
at Revolution Books 
Important mini-conference (a 3 hour with pizza) to pull together anyone and everyone who has been involved in the BA Everywhere campaign, has contributed in any way big or small, and new people who want to be part of this or learn more what this is about.  Bring your favoriteBAsics quote to share. Bring friends and family members who dream of a better world.

We will be making plans to build for a truly electrifying May Day wave of taking BA Everywhere, getting into the importance of this campaign and the work of Bob Avakian. (Read the complete call for Mayday 2012  here) .

The major national  fundraising goal through May first is $15,000 for the BAsics Bus Tour, which will be rolling into the thick of the struggle in a particular hot spot in this country. We need to be raising thousands of dollars beginning now to achieve this goal through meeting and drawing in many more people who can contribute in different ways.

To learn about the pilot project of the Bus Tour in California in February:

The nationwide plans include:

*Tuesday, April 24-Special issue of Revolution featuring quotes from BA on internationalism and revolution.

* Saturday, April 28-Reach 1000's of people who have not yet heard of BA. Get BAsics into their hands. Make a big splash!

* Sunday, April 29-Fundraising dinners to celebrate May Day and a different and far better future. Food, music, spoken word. Bring your ideas and imagination.

* Monday, April 30-Gather people and prepare for an internationalist contingent for May First.

*Tuesday May First-Join the Occupy and Immigrants Rights movement's May First demonstration in an internationalist contingent.

For a picture of what the campaign has accomplished since it was launched (click here).  For more information contact the campaign coordinator at: 312-860-8167  

To Subscribe to Revolution newspaper click  here.
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 Books on Like us on Facebook.
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Friday, April 6, 2012

April 10 DAY OF OUTRAGE! We Are All Trayvon

Revolution Books received this from Stolen Lives Chicago
April 10, 5:00 p.m. Rally in Daley Plaza Chicago (Clark & Washington)  


April 10 DAY OF OUTRAGE!  
We Are All Trayvon  

Demonstrations are being planned around the country for April 10, the day a grand jury is scheduled to be convened in Florida to review evidence in the killing of Trayvon Martin and decide whether to indict the killer.

Participate in the action near you, and invite your friends EVERYWHERE to participate in one near them.

Rally in Daley Plaza Chicago (Clark & Washington) - April 10, 5:00 p.m. -
Join event for the "April 10 Int'l Day of Justice for Trayvon - Chicago" on Facebook and INVITE FRIENDS!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 7 p.m. - Grace Place, 637 S. Dearborn 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Revolution Books received this email:

April 5, Thursday 7 pm meeting to update on developments and make further plans for April 19th

A19 grey

This country imprisons more people than any other country on the planet. On Thursday, April 19th, everyone who is concerned about injustice must join in saying─ NO TO MASS INCARCERATION ─in a loud voice. There must be rallies and demonstrations in cities across the country. College and high school students must hold teach in's and other actions on their campuses. There need be cultural events held on that day. The architects and enforcers of mass incarceration must be challenged over the inhumanity of the policies they are inflicting on society.  

A lot of important work has been done on this front. Michelle Alexander and others have done a lot of exposure of the horrors of mass incarceration. Prisoners, activists and others concerned about injustice, including a number of prominent have been involved in building resistance to this problem. It is crucial that this resistance be taken to
higher level─NOW.
We must do this because:
  • 2.4 million people, 60% of them Black or Latino, are held in prisons across the US.
  • Racial profiling practiced by police and courts serves as a pipeline to these horrific numbers.
  • People in prison are subjected to torture-like conditions.
  • The formerly incarcerated face discrimination, even after they've served their sentences. 
We must do this now because in this very political time─with the presidential elections heading into full swing─the horror of racially targeted mass incarceration is being hardly mentioned. And when it does come up, it is raised only to call for even harsher measures. Only our independent mass action can puncture this atmosphere─putting this injustice forcefully before society and challenging everyone who is concerned about justice to take a stand.

IN CHICAGO CONTACT: 312-933-9586

866-841-9139  ext-2670

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