Friday, December 20, 2013

Centerfold Revolution Newspaper
Next BA Everywhere Committee Meeting 
Sunday Dec 22 5pm
Revolution Books 
1103 N. Ashland Ave
You're invited! Bring your ideas, enthusiasm and creativity!
WHY this committee? To break out of the stifling political atmosphere and dare to dream and change the world - people need to know about this revolutionary leader, Bob Avakian (BA), and his new synthesis of revolution and communism. To do it right requires huge amounts of money. BA Everywhere is a national campaign that will make BA a household name and, in so doing, make this revolution known. The stakes are no less than whether or not humanity is going to continue to suffer needlessly under the vicious workings of capitalism. read more 
Dec 7 Stepping into the FuturePremier in Harlem
Sunday Agenda: Promoting BA - Raising Funds and DVD Showings

1. Share experiences of watching and showing the film "Stepping into the Future to friends and family, a goal we set at our meeting last week.
2. Follow up on plans made at our last meeting: what have we learned? Problems we've run into?
3. Brainstorm money raising ideas for the BA Everywhere Campaign. Funds have been raised nationally through bake sales, tamale sales and going out to professors then getting others to match their donations. Solicit donated items of at least $50 value to sell on Craig's list. Someone has volunteered to do this.
4. Continue  
Pick up a pack of pluggers at RB 
our discussion about a significant cultural event in February, 2014, that can raise funds. What would be involved? Should it be performances only or performance plus the showing "Stepping into the Future"? What other ideas and contacts do people have?

5. Discuss the national project to get volunteers to assist on the BA Everywhere portal at the website.

**FYI: Just in time for the holidays - for yourself or friends you want to introduce to this leader and the movement for revolution, Revolution Books is offering a great special - 
3 items for $25: the book BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian; the DVD: Revolution-Nothing Less & the DVD "Stepping into the Future."- Wow, a great "starter kit" or a way to complete your own collection and share with others! 

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