Thomas Frank
on the Tar Sands in North America
Presentation & Slideshow
Thursday * Dec. 12 * 7:00 pm
The largest refinery for Tar Sands in North America is just miles from Chicago. Thomas Frank has written and spoken out for years about the British Petroleum refinery in East Chicago, IN, and faced retaliation for doing so. The BP refinery is fed by pipelines around Lake Michigan and is the source of the mountains of pet coke in SE Chicago that are spewing black powder over the area and sparking protests by local residents. Join us for Thomas Frank's slideshow and for discussion of these life- and planet-threatening developments at the center of U.S. energy program, and resistance to it, from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.
About Thomas Frank
THOMAS FRANK has lived in East Chicago for 17 years. He studied Urban Planning in graduate school and became a director of projects to clean up of Indiana Harbor Shipping Canal and Grand Calumet River, considered to be the most polluted bodies of water in the country. Frank spoke out against widescale corruption he found in projects to re-industrialize the southern shores of Lake Michigan, especially the BP refinery expansion. Standing largely alone in BP-dominated towns, he was relived of all public duties. Frank has spoken at conferences and universities in the Midwest and Alberta, Canada working to connect communities who are on the frontlines fighting Tar Sands projects. Recently Frank helped form "Tar Sands Free Midwest."
The Communist Revolution and the Real Path to Emancipation: It's History and Our Future
Discussion * Sunday * December 8* 4-7 pm
Read the special Issue of Revolution at
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