Wednesday, August 7, 2013

BA Everywhere Van Tour Film Showing 2013

West Side Chicago

Call up the volunteers. Reserve the vans. Ready the projection and sound equipment to reach hundreds and thousands of people. Rev up the engines for the second week of the Summer 2013 Revolution-Nothing Less! Van Tours to go back on the road at a juncture when people have new ears to hear the music of revolution.
Right now: when people are agonized about what is to be done about a system that justifies the lynching of Black youth...
Right now: when people are wrestling with what is to be done about a system that brutalizes and degrades women and that is rapidly and systematically taking away the right to abortion that enables a woman to be free to decide when and if she will have a child...
Right now: when people are beginning to make the connections between these outrageous crimes and the reality that this is a country that murders people across the globe by remote control, that spies on its entire population, that lets a racist vigilante walk free but unleashes the full thug force of its empire against Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden-whistleblowers who have exposed the real war crimes of this government-all while this system relentlessly destroys the planet...
People are grappling with big questions: why do these outrages keep happening, what can be done, and isn't there a better way the world could be? read more at

Don't miss this film in Chicago:new BA Speak Poster with cities
Mon Aug 19: 6-8pm
Woodson Regional Library
9525 S. Halsted St., Chicago

Sat Aug 31: 1-5pm 
ICE Theaters Lawndale 10
3330 W. Roosevelt Rd. Chicago

For more information call Revolution Books
773-489-0930 or

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