Friday, December 16, 2016

The Month of Resistance
Starting 12/19/16, it begins -- the day the Electoral College meets to vote in each state: hold a press conference or a protest. Starting now, distribute this Call everywhere and on social media, host house meetings, fundraising events concerts and forums. Everywhere step up the resistance: walkouts from schools and work, protests against attacks and threats on Muslims, women, people of color, LBGT people -- all linked to the objective of Stopping the Trump/Pence regime. The struggle must grow.
On MLK weekend, there needs to be massive demonstrations of many thousands in key cities, including Washington. D.C., that grow to millions over the next week, protests that don't stop . . . where people refuse to leave and more and more people stand up with conviction and courage demanding:
NO! We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!

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